This thread serves as the repository for current and historical S2400 firmware updates.
Since this topic has replies turned off, we invite you to discuss anything to do with these updates in the relevant discussion categories already in place as listed below.
S2400 Firmware Update Instructions
Download the desired firmware update file from the following posts.
Copy the file to the ROOT of your SD card
HINT: You can just enter USB MSC mode on the S2400 and the machine will appear as a drive to
your computer, press the BACK button on the S2400 once the file has copied. -
Upon re-inserting card or exiting MSC mode you will be prompted to go ahead with the update.
DO NOT interfere with the machine until it reboots.
Emergency / Firmware Recovery Procedure
If for any reason, due to power cut, or other failure, your machine won’t boot afterwards, remove the SD card and insert into a computer.
Copy the downloaded file onto the ROOT of the SD card but this time, rename the file extension to .UPF instead of the default .UPD (This will perform a forced update on power up)
Re-insert the card into the machine with the power off, and then power on.
2020-12-10 Update
- Fixed sample peak not recalculated when A pressed
- Fixed visual glitch setting song tempo
- Fixed save project from file menu prompting for name
- Fixed envelope pitch/filter modulation amount in multi mode
- Fixed level max issue in waveform editor
- Fixed step program events under cursor bug
- Fixed backwards headphones
2020-12-16 Update
- Fixed swapped headphones again
- Use existing track name when saving a slice of existing file (not default to “sample#”)
- Correct slices after truncating a file
- Fixed playback override LEDs not updating just after stopping recording
- Fixed pitch jump during record bug
- Fixed duplicate filename check logic
This also caused some errors in coping WAVs to project folders if names were the same. - Pop up a message when trying to use the repetitions feature with classic envelopes
- Ground unused pins via software for added stability
- The machine now prevents saving while patterns are playing.
Saving while playing sometimes causes a crash and corrupts the project.
Hopefully this change is temporary while we work to figure out the issue.
2021-02-08 Update
- Fixed bug with level going to zero after editing large samples
- Fixed bug with stereo when editing large samples
- Fixed bug with stereo when overwriting file in waveform editor
- Fixed save kit bugs
- Fixed a bug with erase in Step Program mode
- Fixed pitch error in step program mode
- Fixed holding erase not working when repeat is locked
- Fixed assigning sound to track in waveform view
- Fixed negative fractions not displaying minus sign
- Fixed reading of WAV files that have data chunks between the fmt and data chunks
- Fixed unnecessary reloading of large samples in multi mode waveform view
- Fixed bug with repeat quantization in multi mode
- Fixed crash after overwriting large sample with small one
- Fixed bug where exiting help on copy screen causes copy to happen
- Fixed LiveLoop crash when pattern is longer than max loop time
- Don’t offer to “Overwrite Same File” for WAVs loaded from internal flash
- Eliminated click at beginning and end of samples
- Reduced click when sounds are interrupted
- Improved playback quality of 26KHz sounds
- Improved playback quality of looped sounds
- Threshold sampling now starts at next zero cross after threshold is reached
- Sped up formatting of SD card (64GB format went from 20 seconds to 2 seconds)
- Sped up browsing of folders with a large number of files
- In Step Program, Shift+Arrows/Encoder scroll by a measure
- Do not sleep in MSC mode
- Added check and message for invalid folder names (containing non FAT32 characters, or with space at the end)
- Pattern Length and Time Signature can now be changed even when the pattern is running.
- Erase pattern number defaults to current pattern (was defaulting to zero)
- LiveLoop Length is now called Divisions and is a numeric field instead of a list (functions the same)
- Input monitor is now automatically muted during LiveLoop recording (so as to not double the sound volume)
- Loop point visual indicator in pattern mode has changed. The line connecting the loop point to the end point is only shown when looping is enabled. The loop point is indicated by a hash mark if looping is not enabled.
- Saving samples/slices/LiveLoops is now a single screen instead of a multi-step process
- Waveform editor F-keys have changed
Snap to zero cross is now F5 and affects the selected point. Long-press F5 to snap all points to zero crossing.
Press Help for the updated list, see the manual for details.
New Features
- Added Resampling
Press F4 in file browser - Mix mode gain range is now configurable per track, and can go above 0dB
Press Shift+A in mix mode to configure the range. - Added Reverse Sample or Slice feature. See the manual for details.
- Implemented Gated mode (hold pad to play, release pad to stop)
Turn it on/off in track settings. - The S2400 now reads the loop point from the WAV file
It reads the “smpl” data chunk, which is different from cue or marker points.
If a loop point exists in the file, the S2400 sets it, sets the loop time to 2sec, and turns on gate mode by default. - Added global default measures setting
- Added Transpose to track settings
- Added Fine Pitch adjustment to pitch settings (Shift+A in pitch mode, F2 in Step Edit)
- Added Modify Pattern function to parameter settings menus (Shift+A, or Shift+B for filter)
This function sets either the selected parameter or all parameters for either the selected track or all tracks to the current fader/knob values throughout the whole pattern. - Added Live Parameter Record Overwrite feature
While recording (not in playback), in level or pitch fader mode, press A to enable level or pitch overwrite and press B to enable filter overwrite. Then, pressing the pad will change the parameter values in the pattern to the current fader or knob values as the track is triggered in the pattern. See the manual for details. - Sync
- External clock sources are now functional
- MIDI note input is now functional
- Added support for MMC
- Added pattern change message setting
- For full details, see the PDF User Manual, and the Video User Manual Part 9.
The User Manual has been updated to reflect all of the above. Additional detail has been added to some other sections as well.
2021-02-09 Update
- Fixed resampled sounds sometimes having beginning cut off and click at end
- Fixed repeat in multi mode
- Fixed pressing pad while editing fader mode settings canceling editing
- Fixed Sticky-Shift+Arrow not scrolling whole menu like Shift+Arrow does
- Fixed issue when changing a folder in resample or save menu
- Fixed tempo off with force start after external clocking
- Added cellphone-like entry of numbers to text editor
Zero key cycles through numbers like F4-F9 cycle through letters
Hold Shift and press zero for Help
2021-02-21 Update
- Fixed visual glitch when deleting a file with a scrolling file name
- Fixed not showing gated on immediately after assigning a looped sound to a track
- Fixed tempo not changing when pattern changes
- Fixed starting LiveLoops with external sync
- Fixed USB Host disconnect issue
- Fixed loading of default kit when no SD card present
- Fixed changing other folder in resample or sample save
- Fixed envelope editor reversed F1 and F1-long-press
- Fixed glitch when pressing fader mode keys while in envelope editor help
- Fixed glitch when exiting help on sampler screen
- Fixed tempo decimals editing in step program
- Fixed not resetting normalize when pressing pad in waveform view
- Fixed waveform view when saving sample and assigning to same pad
- Fixed note off in multi mode
Changes & New Features
- InputMon automatically muted during resampling
- Added resample to Track properties menu
- New MIDI monitor in Sync Menu
- Shift+Arrows/Encoder adjusts decimal numbers by one (tempo remains the opposite)
- Added waiting message until actually connected in MSC mode
- Added fader lock to waveform editor (F9)
- More click reduction
Manual is updated.
2021-02-27 Update
- Fixed normalize for new samples
- Fixed pitch/filter settings not respected for long sounds in waveform editor
- Fixed gate mode not working if track MIDI sync mode is none
- Fixed bug recording filter modulation
- Fixed entering numbers with number keys
- Improved responsiveness of pressing pads in waveform editor
- Show disconnects in MSC mode
2021-03-17 Update
- Fixed non decimal numeric entry graphic glitch
- Fixed behavior of F4/F6 for slice 1/8 in waveform editor multi mode
- Fixed folder navigation bug
- Fixed sample info wrong if sample missing
- Fixed new sample display name hieroglyphics
- Fixed mixdown overriding to stereo when loading project
- Fixed lock start/end symbol appearing for new sample
- Fixed mute/solo LEDs after exiting MSC mode to song mode
- Fixed keys in pan help not being ignored and overwriting the screen
- Fixed LiveLoop solo
- Fixed A&B LEDs bug when playing LiveLoops
- Fixed shift+pad in settings not switching between track and LiveLoop settings
- Fixed shift+pad for long sounds in wave editor
- Fixed quant shift bugs
- Dont send clock out during count-in
Changes & New Features
- Track Settings from Settings menu defaults to last pressed pad
- Allow insert key (F2) when cursor at end of text in text editor
- Press F1 to change the sign of numeric settings
- File Browser remembers selected file next time it is displayed
- Minor edits to User Manual
2021-07-15 Update
- Fixed truncated or missing files when resampling after saving a slice of a new sample
- Fixed click when muting/soloing
- Fixed pause when committing LiveLoop record buffer
- Fixed LiveLoops only recording when Run/Stop pressed, not when Rec/Edit+Run/Stop pressed
- Fixed graphic glitch when entering fine pitch with number keys
- Fixed bug changing sign of fine pitch not setting pitch immediately
- Fixed bug when pressing play from sample analysis screen
- Fixed bug with gated notes during a pattern copy
- Fixed pattern copy not copying tempo or name
- Fixed not allowing override button for filter/pitch/level to be pressed while viewing settings
- Fixed reset of gated when changing sample
- Fixed transposed pitch wrong after resampling
- Fixed cumulative pitch bug in step edit when track is transposed
- Fixed song not correctly following external clock
- Fixed tempo change at end of song repeat group bug
- Fixed playhead not being drawn after exiting song mode forum link
- Fixed Tap/Repeat key exiting file browser forum link
- Fixed bug when saving a small slice from a large sound and assigning it to same pad forum link
- Fixed all faders affect pitch in multi mode bug forum link
- Fixed bug in step edit that affected parameters of more than the selected step forum link
- Fixed bug in waveform editor when start and end are both zero for long sounds forum link
- Fixed clicking sound on some samples forum link
- Fixed F8&F9 LED bug when stopping pattern in waveform editor forum link
- Fixed playhead not being drawn after exiting song mode forum link
- Fixed new sample play start point forum link
- Fixed swing not set correctly until pattern switch forum link
- Fixed LED error when pressing run on an empty song forum link
Changes & New Features
- Song Mode
- Songs can now have swing change events
- Added song copy feature, including copying a song to a pattern (press the Copy key in Song mode)
- Added popup notification when adding pattern to song from pattern mode (F2)
- Sampling
- All sampler settings are visible without scrolling (Enter=Tab as usual)
- New samples now play on the same channel during editing as the sampling input monitor. forum link
- Pressing Sample key from waveform editor closes both the editor and sample screens
- Added sampling-specific input mon settings to main inputmon menu
Previously only viewable by pressing Input Mon key from sample mode
- Waveform Editor
- Loop reps is now on-screen, not in a popup
- Fader lock changed to F8 for consistency
- In multi mode, the location of other slices is shown on the scroll bar
- Back+Pad now resets points to what they were when the editor was first displayed
This is useful for undoing changes after unintentionally moving a fader. - When saving a slice to a new project, name now defaults to original file name, not Sample001
- Swing
- Swing is now per pattern
- When recording, notes now play in time with swing
- Note Repeat is now in time with swing
- Live erase of notes is now in time with swing
- Quick Settings
- Hold Swing key and use Arrows/Encoder to change pattern swing without going into menu
- Hold Quantize key and use Arrows/Encoder to change default quantization without going into menu
- Double-click top row keys for quick access to most common setting or action, without navigating through the menu
- Metronome: toggle the metronome on/off for current mode (running, recording, sampling)
- Settings: display the Organize Tracks screen
- File: display the File Browser
- Sync: toggle the clock source between internal and the last selected external source
- Input Mon: toggle monitoring on/off
- Pan: auto-pan
- Pattern Copy
- Patterns can now be copied while playing
- Added feature to copy a pattern from another project
- Can now duplicate pattern events from pattern length screen (in addition to copy screen)
- Step Program
- Gated notes now fully supported, including in TR mode
- Added only play current measure (F5), measure follows cursor
- Added play from cursor position (Shift+F5)
- Step Edit
- Now showing pad number forum link
- Added a numerical view for editing all parameters (press F2 to toggle views)
- Added nudge step function
- LiveLoops
- LiveLoops are now toggled with F4 (not F7), because the LiveLoop bank is D and Bank+4 goes to bank D
Apologies to anyone with F7 muscle memory. - LiveLoop Record Buffer level added to Input Mon screen (can be set to zero/silent)
- Added LiveLoop record mode: Latched, Momentary, and Fixed-Length
- Added LiveLoop arm record feature, recording starts when pattern starts
- LiveLoops are now toggled with F4 (not F7), because the LiveLoop bank is D and Bank+4 goes to bank D
- Added display of total length of loaded samples to settings menu
- Added cutoff, resonance, level, and loop/slice settings to their respective mode settings screens (Shift+A/B)
- Added only play current measure function (F5 from Pattern or Step Program mode)
- Added playback override for level
- Added Auto-Pan F9, pans channel pairs left and right if there are any stereo tracks and no mono tracks on those channels
- In the text editor, long-press F1 to clear (no longer Shift+F1)
- Pressing Back+Pad (track reset) in Multi Mode now resets the eight multi parameters for the current fader mode forum link
- Shift+Back (stop samples) also does a MIDI panic when a MIDI bank is selected
- Added brief popup confirmation of track erase (Erase+Pad)
- The Rec/Edit key now blinks during count-in
- Added Stop&Save option to the “Cannot Save While Running” message
- Added stop on mute track setting
Now short sounds can optionally finish their decay when muted. Defaults to off if the sound is less than one second. - Improved filter cutoff knob curve
- Improved dynamic pad response
- Added dynamic pads minimum level percent global setting (previously hard-coded at 12%)
- Added preview sound output settings (press F5 in file browser)
- Added new Organize Tracks feature which replaces the old Track Move/Copy feature
- Added Undo/Redo for pattern editing
- Sync
- Note numbers in Sync settings can now be entered with the numeric keys
- Added MIDI control port (in addition to channel)
- Added MIDI CC/NRPN control of all track parameters
- Added slice per note MIDI mode for sample tracks
The configured note plays the main slice, the eight notes above that play a multi slice
- MIDI Tracks
- Up to four banks, set in global settings
- Press Shift+Pad to configure tracks
- USB Audio
- The S2400 outputs 10 channels of USB Audio. The first two are a stereo mix (like the headphones), and 3-10 are the eight individual channel outs (not through the classic analog filters).
- Input Mon allows monitoring of stereo USB Audio from a computer
- Input Mon (from jacks) can be routed to USB audio
- Sampling allows recording of stereo USB Audio from a computer
- LiveLoops can record USB Audio from a computer
- On-screen Help updated and expanded
- MIDI Implementation Chart created
- User Manual updated and expanded
2021-08-12 Update
- Fixed missed pad presses, and sensitivity setting
- Improved dynamic pad response, but still working on improving it further
- Constrained pattern length in pattern copy forum link
- Constrained pattern length when copying song to pattern forum link
- Fixed swing bugs forum link
- Fixed pressing pad in Swing settings changing selection if same pad pressed forum link
- Fixed Stop&Save in song mode forum link
- Fixed Run/Stop LED on when sampling with metronome forum link
- Fixed slices wrong after resampling & assigning, forum link1 link2
- Fixed text editor case bug forum link
- Fixed bug saving slices allowing changing to a midi bank forum link
- Fixed continue forum link
- Fixed organize not moving/copying override, mute, solo forum link
- Fixed TR Mode bugs forum link
- Fixed Mute/Solo in Nudge and Step Edit numeric view forum link
- Fixed Step Edit bugs with multiple nudgings
- Fixed Step Edit bugs changing pitch with encoder
- Fixed capital letters converting to underscores with sysEx track name change
- Fixed Stop&Save from Track Settings (or any screen other than Pattern or Song)
- Fixed MIDI tracks not sending note off in step program
- Fixed load kit (and project) not returning to same folder
Changes & New Features
- Added option to send metronome to USB forum link
- Added USB Mix Out First/Last setting to global settings - defaults to mix last!
- Added Mute Analog Outs setting to USB Audio InputMon settings
Note: analog outs are only muted if option is checked and USB monitoring is on - Input monitor double-click now turns off both analog and USB, and turns on whatever was turned off in the last double-click forum link
- Added max sample time setting forum link
- Standardized undo behavior in Edit Step Parameters (save now automatic)
- Added next/prev step F-keys to Edit Step Parameters and nudge
- In Track Settings, changing bank now changes track being edited
- In Organize Tracks, the bank now follows the cursor, and vice versa forum link
- Added space to F9 in text editor forum link
- Added file exists warning saving new samples or slices
- Added pattern length display to Copy screen
- Changed 256t to Fine
- Added MIDI Control of Mute and Solo
- Added MIDI Control of Live Loops
- MIDI Implementation Chart updated
- User Manual updated
2021-10-01 Update
- Fixed not erasing previous step number in step edit forum link
- Fixed swing bug forum link
- Fixed swing in multimode forum link
- Fixed waveform editor bug when moving end to zero forum link
- Fixed fader jitter in waveform editor forum link
- Fixed repeat in waveform editor forum link
- Fixed saving of 32-bit float WAV files forum link
- Fixed handling of WAVs with trailing zeros in file forum link
- Fixed inaccurate gated note lengths forum link and
- Fixed Load Map not causing that map to be saved when project is saved forum link
- Fixed fader lock LEDs in parm settings menus forum link
- Fixed song play indicator remaining after save forum link
- Fixed faders reaching zero in waveform editor forum link
- Fixed saving of 32-bit float WAV files forum link
- Fixed repeat in waveform editor forum link
- Fixed multi mode Shift+B with an empty track on the non-multi pad forum link
- Fixed live loops not clearing with new project forum link
- Fixed metro out of sync with play only one bar forum link
- Fixed fader lock LEDs in song mode
- Fixed step edit numeric view track select
- Fixed editing step parms in TR mode
- Fixed cursor moving when pressing pad in MIDI track step edit
- Fixed edit step parms stopping TR chaser
- Fixed edit step parms auditioning changes of swung notes
- Fixed F5 not recognized in edit step parms
- Fixed playhead showing over help in edit step parms
- Fixed edit step parms help for prev/next track
- Fixed pattern mode help for LiveLoop and MIDI tracks reversed
- Fixed Live Loop filter turning when cutoff is at max for HP/BP
- Fixed save Live Loop allowing assignment to midi track
- Fixed filter settings apply to all tracks function
- Fixed MIDI track pads not blinking on press/repeat
- Fixed resample truncating beginning of file
- Fixed Shift+pad in resample and stretch
- Fixed some sounds previewing as white noise
- Fixed polyphonic swing only playing one note
- Fixed tempo not changing immediately when set in sample mode
- Fixed pressing pad while saving sample and editing name
- Fixed allowing question mark in file names
- Fixed pressing pad to play sound in track settings when getting there from the wave editor
- Fixed organize tracks not copying/moving track MIDI settings and mix level
- Fixed filter parm record overwrite in mix mode
- Fixed override or overwrite still on after doing Modify Pattern
- Fixed Waveform Editor level changing issue
Changes & New Features
- Turned off real-time quantize and swing forum link
- Added separate setting for metronome during count-in forum link
- Added setting for metronome count-in before (Record/Playback/Rec&Play)
- Added F-Key quick reference to top of all appropriate help screens
- Added user manual download QR code to bottom of all help screens
- Allow transport and F-keys to function from help
- Added pitch detect to track settings and file info (F1 in file browser)
- Added BPM estimator to track settings and file info (F1 in file browser)
- Added file bit depth to track settings and file info (F1 in file browser)
- Added playback bit depth to Track Settings
- Added Multi Enabled setting in Filter settings (Shift+B)
- Added Live Loop Source to pattern screen
- Moved MSC mode to bottom of file menu for quicker access
- Changed song event insert (F1) to insert before the selected event instead of after
Insert pattern with F2 still inserts after the selected event - Changed song repeat insert to automatically include the next event in the repeat group
- When assigning a sound, if there is a .KIT file in the folder, the parameters will be loaded from the kit
- Now displaying lowest MIDI octave as -2 instead of 0
- In Step Program, fast encoder turn or arrow key repeat scrolls cursor by a quarter note
- In Step Program TR mode, pressing Shift+Mute/Solo displays Edit Step Parms screen for that step, if the step is on
- In Edit Step Parms, pressing Mute/Solo goes to the parms for that step, if the step is on
- Now the last track being edited in edit step parms is the TR focused track
- In Edit Step Parms, pressing a pad or Bank key goes to the next trigger for that pad/bank
- Added More Popup notifications and setting to turn them off
- Added right channel only to Track Settings, Input Monitor, and Sampling
- Added fader and knob catchup
- Added on-screen knob display
- Added Pitch Stretch, access from Track Settings
- Added Time Stretch, access from Track Settings, or F7 in the file browser
- Added A+Pad (or B+Pad for filter) as a shortcut for selecting Modify Pattern from the parameter settings menu
- Added playback override and record overwrite for envelope & slice modes
NOTE: The A button now does the same thing in all fader modes. Envelope editor and Waveform editor have moved to the B button. - User Manual has been updated
2021-10-09 Update
- Fixed second resample resulting in left-only sound forum link
- Fixed Mute Analog Outs option muting USB out forum link
- Fixed track properties allowing selection of info fields forum link
- Fixed preview in assign sound overriding headphones output forum link
- Fixed loading channel from kit when assigning single sound forum link
- Fixed modify pattern pitch when override method is transpose forum link
- Fixed swing when recording repeated tracks forum link
- Fixed B/Shift+B functions in edit step parms forum link
- Fixed TR mode LEDs when multi button pressed in edit step parms forum link
- Fixed F1 showing unknown function message when changing sign of pitch forum link
- Fixed playhead in waveform editor when sound triggered in pattern forum link
- Fixed inserting non-gated event with no parm changes before an event on track B6 forum link
- Fixed Live Loop divisions not set on project load forum link
- Fixed Live Loop fixed length not stopping recording when divisions > 1 forum link
- Fixed envelope editor multi number display forum link
- Fixed envelope editor not allowing override forum link
- Fixed envelope editor simultaneous adjustment of pitch and filter mod forum link
- Fixed envelope editor on-screen knobs for pitch and filter
- Fixed override pitch bug with classic pitch resolution
- Fixed gate length bug when recording stopped while pad held
- Fixed occasional incorrect midi track gate lengths
- Fixed MSC mode allowing external MIDI
Changes & New Features
- Renamed Mute Analog Outs option to Only USB to Jacks for clarity
- Multi pad blinks during playback if in multi mode forum link
- Copy allows going to from or to pattern forum link
2021-11-22 Update
- Fixed faders acting locked bug forum link
- Fixed lower knob changing cutoff instead of resonance in envelope editor when filter multi disabled forum-link
- Fixed pad press not changing title and pad LED in Live Loop settings forum link
- Fixed envelope override/overwrite in multi mode forum link
- Fixed input monitor double-click and added popup message Input Monitor shortcut doesn’t work from start)
- Fixed file browser allowing assigning sound to MIDI track then crashing forum link
- Fixed mute/solo LEDs for Live Loops in Step Program forum link
- Fixed live erase for MIDI tracks in multi mode forum link
- Fixed second MIDI track on same tick being full pattern length in Step Program forum link
- Fixed numerical edit of tempo in Step Program forum link
- Fixed F5 not working in waveform editor when cursor is on scroll forum link
- Fixed sample analysis not skipping past silence at beginning of sound forum link
- Fixed Shift+Arrows/Encoder in Envelope editor forum link
- Fixed blinkenpads dark option not saving forum link
- Fixed committing Live Loop causing pattern to stutter
- Fixed phase inversion of Line In 1&2
- Fixed VU meter (mute/solo) LEDs remaining lit after sampling
- Fixed pressing multiple pads simultaneously for MIDI or gated tracks in multi mode in Step Program
- Fixed add to song always setting bank A for mute/solo events
- Fixed Shift+Run on song mute event bug
- Fixed changing filter value in fader mode settings when filter multi disabled
- Fixed pad LED not going back to correct color on pad-up for MIDI tracks in multi mode
- Fixed time stretch not getting the whole sound after saving a truncated sample
- Fixed sample name overflow in step edit
- Fixed increasing mixer max gain not increasing set gain when they are equal
- Fixed playing gated note cut off when stopping recording
- Fixed crash after updating
- Fixed not recognizing an update on the SD card after exiting MSC mode
So, if you use MSC to do this update, eject and reinsert the SD card after exiting MSC mode
Changes & New Features
- Converted some confirmation dialog boxes to popup messages forum link
- Stereo samples now trigger both analog filters on channel 1 and 2 when played forum link
- Added level to Preview Settings (used when not browsing from Assign Sound) forum link
- New project now sets pattern number to 1 forum link
- Removed the sample analysis histogram screen, analysis is now just a popup
- In save Live Loop and save sample, pressing pad no longer highlights “assign to track”
- In save Live Loop, added option to clear the loop and, if assigned to track, add trigger to the pattern (used to always do both if assigned)
- Added fader mode name to F8 popups
- Added quick copy track: press Copy+Pad, then the destination pad. In multi mode the same action copies parameters from one multi pad to another
- Added Swing+Pad/Quantize+Pad, then Arrows/Encoder change value for that track
- Changed gate length and nudge amount in Edit Step Parms to display as 16ths:ticks
- Changed Run From Cursor in Step Program to Shift+Run/Stop
- Added Erase+Enter / Erase+Encoder-click in Step Program to quickly erase everything under the cursor
- Removed automatic zoom-to-pattern-resolution from Step Program
If a trigger exists in the pattern off of the current quantize grid, it will appear as a single dot.
Off-grid triggers cannot be selected with the cursor, but can still be edited by pressing Enter as long as the trigger is less than one grid step from the cursor. - User Manual has been updated
2021-12-24 Update
- Fixed Live Loops playing if unmuted when pattern stopped forum link
- Fixed not saving some Input Mon settings forum link
- Fixed pitch and filter mod amount not decreasing with shift or fast-turn in envelope editor forum link
- Fixed F2 (insert) in text editor forum link
- Fixed gain at max on project load forum link
- Fixed Swing+Pad/Quantize+Pad in Step Program forum link
- Fixed Shift+Mute/Solo not including Live Loops or MIDI tracks forum link
- Fixed bit depth for 32-bit float samples
- Fixed inconsistent Shift+Run behavior in song mode
- Fixed Erase+Pad changing length of later midi or gated notes
- Fixed step prog not scrolling if going to shorter pattern
Changes & New Features
- Improved menu double click (now happens on quick exit-enter as well as enter-exit)
- Copy+Pad,Pad now works in Organize Tracks
- Copy+Pad,Pad no longer works in Step Program (does something else now)
- Added Select/Copy/Paste functionality in Step Program
See updated manual starting on page 37 and new tutorial video
2022-02-24 Update
- Fixed Live Loop record buffer not being cleared correctly forum link
- Fixed pressing stop on a blank song bug forum link
- Fixed text editor F4 bug forum link
- Fixed mute/solo buttons exiting waveform editor forum link
- Fixed Live Loop properties not being initialized on new project forum link
- Fixed increasing mix max db mutes track forum link
- Fixed undo issues in step program forum link
- Fixed shift blinking over help screen forum link
- Fixed quantize on clear everything forum link
- Fixed recording from right jack forum link
- Fixed not saving sample mon level and output [forum link](Input Monitor While Sampling [FIXED]
- Fixed F4+Pad in TR mode forum link
- Fixed Bank+# in song mode forum link
- Fixed MIDI track settings not saving after Copy+Pad,Pad forum link
- Fixed all sounds stopping when using copy+pad,pad
- Fixed Mac reconnecting after eject in MSC mode
- Fixed clipping on phono1 input
- Fixed occasional crash copying internal sounds to SD card
- Fixed Live Loop distortion
- Fixed Live Loop waveform display
- Fixed Live Loop length not changing when pattern length changes
- Fixed Live Loop mute states not loading correctly
- Fixed Live Loop recording into divided loops causing lost audio
- Fixed Song start with Clock Source = Clock In Jack
- Fixed copy song to pattern bug
- Fixed pattern name when copying a song to a pattern
- Fixed Bank+# in song mode
- Fixed entering 4 in pattern number on step program screen
- Fixed F4 from track settings
- Fixed Note Off when selecting MIDI Pads for erase, shift, or copy
- Fixed pasting/shifting MIDI notes
- Fixed pitch/transpose not taking effect after assign
- Fixed stretch not using the output channel of the original sound
- Fixed wave editor on wrong output for large sounds
- Fixed erase bank B track from erase menu
- Fixed hung MIDI notes during recording
- Fixed undo not redrawing the screen in step program
- Fixed bug when erasing a range of MIDI notes in Step Program
- Fixed showing one tick sound as zero ticks in edit step parms
- Fixed missing note off when one tick sound is on last tick of pattern
- Fixed bug in change length with duplicate or copy with copies
- Fixed pressing Shift+B in envelope editor if track settings are open
- Fixed MIDI octave display in MIDI track on-screen faders
- Fixed envelope changing to classic when pressing fader mode buttons while settings screen is displayed
- Fixed time stretching with assign before first save of project
- Fixed pad press while viewing file info
- Fixed preview while browsing files playing mono sounds in left only
- Fixed preview while assigning sound not using all of track’s parameters
Changes & New Features
- Moved Format SD Card to Settings menu
- Reordered the Track Settings menu
- Changed assigning sound to not reset parameters, slices are recalculated to be in the same relative positions
- Simplified event location to bars+16ths+ticks in Step Edit
- Added shift amount display in Step Program
- Added Shift+Arrows/Encoder to change start/end by slice in graphical Step Edit forum link
- Added MIDI tracks to Swing and Quantize menus forum link
- Added Bank+A/B/Mute/Solo key combo to toggle the whole bank, or all pads if in multi mode forum link
- Added SysEx command to get song/pattern/track name for renamer web page
- Added Bank+Arrows/Encoder in Step Program to scroll vertically by one track
- Added SD card info (F1 in file browser when “SD Card” is highlighted)
- Added arrows/encoder go to next/prev file in file info screen
- Added loading of Projects/Kits from Browse Files function
- Added confirmation for clear sound
- Added popup message after double-click of Sync and Metronome buttons
- Added Gain setting to sample tracks and Live Loops
- Added Multi Mode capability to TR Mode
- Rewrote text editor, quicker to use, and allows editing file/sample names longer than 21 characters
- Added USB keyboard support
- Expanded pitch range to +/- 3 octaves
- Added bounce pattern, song, or sound to a single WAV file
- Freely assign multiple tracks to an output without choking each other
- Added choke groups
- Increased polyphony to 16 voices
- Updated the User Manual
2023-03-10 Update
- Fixed display of fine quantization in shift, forum link
- Fixed setting track gain on project load, forum link
- Fixed crash switching between large sounds in waveform editor, forum link
- Fixed MIDI CC 21 value > 0 not setting loop reps, forum link
- Fixed MIDI CC 108 value = 0 not clearing solo LEDs, forum link
- Fixed MIDI CC 102 (live loop pad press) to switch to Bank D, forum link
- Fixed issue with screen update when bottom knob adjusts loop point, forum link
- Fixed loop status enabled for >64Mb files when replacing existing smaller looped sample, forum link
- Fixed fader catchup after receiving MIDI CC, forum link
- Fixed handling of MIDI program change in Step Program mode, forum link
- Fixed pad color after wake from sleep, forum link
- Fixed pad threshold not going over 88, forum link
- Fixed Rename file when only case changes, forum link
- Fixed “bad folder name” popup, forum link
- Fixed clear MIDI tracks confirmation message, forum link
- Fixed saving time stretched file to project folder, forum link
- Fixed Bank+# from waveform save screen, forum link
- Fixed Bank+# from file browser, forum link
- Fixed incorrect swing with repeat when not recording, forum link
- Fixed copying MIDI tracks in Step Program, forum link
- Fixed bug in organize tracks duplicate not keeping events synced to moved tracks, forum link
- Fixed setting pad color with fader, forum link
- Fixed saving MIDI track fader settings, forum link
- Fixed setting pad color with fader, forum link
- Fixed weird looping bug, forum link
- Fixed showing too many MIDI tracks in quantize menu, forum link
- Fixed pressing multiple gated tracks in step program
- Fixed showing incorrect number of MIDI tracks in swing and quantize settings
- Fixed resetting start/end points when saving slice and assigning back to same track
- Fixed pitch ignored for >64Mb files in waveform editor
- Fixed update of loop reps when loop reps or time changed by MIDI CC
- Fixed update of loop reps when moving loop or end point
- Fixed MIDI clock messing up sample mode
- Fixed tap tempo averaging
- Fixed force-run in song mode
- Fixed Live Loops not saving when doing a Save-Project-As
- Fixed Live Loop waveform erasing popups
- Fixed pressing B while recording a Live Loop
- Fixed pressing F4 from LL Settings
- Fixed encoder click not acting like enter on Pattern screen and Tempo popup
- Fixed sample VU meter frozen when other screen pops up
- Fixed text editor help screen
Changes & New Features
- When loading large wav and a different pad is pressed, stop loading and handle the press
- Allow tempo popup from pretty much everywhere (was only from a few screens)
- Allow Copy+Pad,Pad from track settings
- Allow Copy+Pad,Pad for Live Loop pads
- Pressing Erase+A/B for Live Loops is an alternate way to erase the Loop/buffer
- Pressing Run/Stop key at Stop&Save prompt will Stop&Save&Run, forum link
- Pressing Pad on Swing and Quantize screens starts editing (no need to press Enter)
- Pressing Erase in Step Edit erases that event (with confirmation)
- Pressing Tap/Repeat+Pad in Step Program adds an event and automatically moves the cursor to the next quantized note
- Pressing Tap/Repeat+Step in TR Mode adds/removes that step in all measures of the pattern
- Added new keys Back+<<< for Undo, Back+>>> for redo, Back+0 to set an undo point. Copy+Back and Copy+Enter still work also.
- Added default tempo and swing notes settings
- Added Reverse Filter Knobs global setting, forum link
- Added MIDI pitch fader range (in Global Settings)
- Added root note and scale to MIDI tracks
- Added nine additional scales
- Added setting to change pattern at end of pattern or end of measure
- Added option of sending MIDI pattern change messages
- Added option of sending MMC messages
- Added new Multi Mode Sync setting screen, press Shift+MultiMode, forum link
- Added round-robin slice triggering and round-robin MIDI track pitch
- Added Save All 8 Slices option to waveform editor save screen
- Live Loop source and mix are now per-loop (LL options removed from input mon menu)
- Added Live Loop Config (Shift+Pad in live loop mode)
Mono/stereo, one/two banks of memory, 1-8 loops - Added ability to Convert SP1200 disk images (.SP12, .HFE and .IMG files) to S2400 projects
- Updated the User Manual
2023-04-28 Update
- Fixed track gain not being applied on load project
- Fixed distortion of input monitoring when MSC mode is enabled
- Fixed distortion of stereo Live Loop after save as forum link
- Fixed not re-calculating Live Loop length when started by external clock forum link
- Fixed Live Loop filter knob catchup forum link)
- Fixed Live Loop divisions cause distorted sound, forum link
- Fixed resetting Live Loop divisions on new project forum link
- Fixed Live Loop divisions after first play at wrong start point
- Fixed Live Loop and input monitor settings stepping on each other
- Fixed allowing Shift+Pad for invalid Live Loops
- Fixed graphic glitch pressing Live Loop B button in erase screen
- Fixed Live Loop issues in Step Program mode
- Fixed parameter override/overwrite in Step Program forum link
- Fixed MultiMode+Pad in Step Program improperly adding an event forum link
- Fixed Copy+Pad and Erase+Pad in Step Program when MultiMode is on forum link
- Fixed pressing Bank+4 in Step Program
- Fixed key+Pad causing gated events to be full length of pattern in Step Program
- Fixed track and cursor overwriting playback override popup message in Step Program
- Fixed clearing MIDI track settings forum link
- Fixed MIDI fader and knob catchup problem forum link
- Fixed dynamic option not visible in MIDI track settings forum link
- Fixed popup not displayed with Shift+A on MIDI tracks
- Fixed MIDI track multi mode pad not blinking
- Fixed pad down not sending MIDI while in MIDI track settings
- Fixed all sounds/notes off MIDI message not respecting the control port/channel
- Fixed clock out not being sent to DIN jack when clock source is DIN
- Fixed HFE file conversion hanging with empty file forum link
- Fixed improper conversion of blank SP1200 patterns
- Fixed duplicate function in Organize Tracks messing up slice playback forum link
- Fixed USB keyboard Shift+Spacebar being ignored in text editor forum link
- Fixed round-robin stopping for other tracks when in waveform editor
- Fixed normalize bug forum link
- Fixed long-press of number key being treated as number in prompts (e.g. normalize) forum link
- Fixed normalize sign switching behavior
- Fixed long-press of F5 not setting play selection area if a selection already playing forum link
- Fixed Rec/Edit LED staying on if Back pressed while sampling forum link
- Fixed inconsistent handling of Shift+A/B while in parameter settings forum link
- Fixed Shift+B in Envelope settings displaying filter settings
- Fixed Bank+# not working in Swing, Quantize, some other menus
- Fixed allowing pad press in preview sound settings menu
- Fixed faders not reaching limits in Pan screen
- Fixed quant-shifted track recorded during count-in forum link
- Fixed preview not always starting at beginning of sound forum link
- Fixed preview sound not playing sometimes
- Fixed solo bug in copy song to pattern forum link
- Fixed inconsistent behavior of mute buttons in multi mode
Changes & New Features
- Added Live Loop input gain setting forum link
- Added pressing Bank+Pad to change bank
- Changed stop sound preview in browse files to Shift+Enter (instead of second Enter press) forum link
- Changed pressing Back while sampling to stop recording, not exit sample mode
- Added OLED brightness setting
- Added support for USB keyboard CapsLock key in text editor
- Added more USB keyboard keys (see manual page 14)
- Made up/down arrows on USB keyboard same as left/right (outside of text editor) forum link
- Changed behavior of MIDI CC slice number (CC 15), now subsequent CCs affect only that slice
- Added MIDI CC control of classic envelope (CC 93)
- Added MIDI CC control of pitch (CC 94) forum link
- Added MIDI control of previous/next pattern (pattern change message with a value of 126/127) forum link
- Updated the User Manual and MIDI Implementation Chart
S2400_20230428.upd (896.7 KB)
2023-10-23 Update
- Fixed errant pixel forum link
- Fixed “Only USB to jacks” setting affecting resampling forum link and link
- Fixed no preview when pressing pad on empty track forum link and link
- Fixed gain setting on exit from waveform editor forum link
- Fixed resetting and redisplaying settings on Clear Track forum link
- Fixed browsing files after renaming project forum link
- Fixed unmuting track while song playing forum link
- Fixed zero cross when cursor already at zero point forum link
- Fixed live loop copy not copying input gain forum link
- Fixed recgroup messed up after copying MIDI track forum link
- Fixed MIDI track Note Gated pad mode note off from external MIDI forum link
- Fixed swing menu for MIDI tracks forum link
- Fixed MIDI track mute and solo not saving forum link
- Fixed Record Overwrite B LED not staying lit
- Fixed slice pads not blinking correctly when triggered via MIDI
- Fixed StopOnMute defaulting to off on clear track
- Fixed incorrect “error loading kit” message when loading kits with more than 20 tracks
- Fixed Bank key behavior in Track Settings
Changes & New Features
- Shift+Pad in track settings switches track without playing sound (pressing pad without shift plays sound)
- In song mode, when adding a swing event, parms default to next pattern’s swing forum link
- In track settings and organize tracks, when output mix is stereo, display output pair, not a single output of the pair forum link
- Press Copy+Pad, then same Pad while in multi mode to copy that multi-pad’s properties to the main (non-multi) pad forum link
S2400_20231024.upd (880.6 KB)
2025-02-10 Update
- Fixed pattern copy from SD card bug forum link
- Fixed bug in load project that prevented loading projects with different name than enclosing folder
- Fixed ignoring external MIDI CC for MIDI-only tracks
- Fixed passing through pitch bend and pressure MIDI message for MIDI-only tracks
- Fixed not allowing any MIDI in sample mode forum link
- Fixed allowing remove time then crashing when entire pattern is selected [forum link](bug Outta time)
- Fixed MIDI Notes recorded in multi mode are corrupted when shifting or pasting
Changes & New Features
- In File Browser, press F5 to move a file/folder to a different folder. Preview sound settings moved to settings menu
- In File Browser, press Back+Left-Arrow to go up one level, Shift+Back still works too
- In Tempo pop-up, Tap-Repeat key functions as expected
- In Step Program mode, record velocity for MIDI tracks forum link
- Added support for the DSP add-in card