MIDI Track Mutes and Solos not Saved [CONFIRMED 507]

When I save a project, the tracks solo state is ignored upon reopening the project. Some solo’d tracks are remembered from a previous save, so I think this is a bug.

Are you on the latest OS update?

I am yes

Do you have a way to show the problem? I cannot reproduce the issue here.

So I just tested this on a new project, and if you save and re-open without powering off, the solo’s are saved. But if you power cycle the unit and the last project loads up, the previously saved solos are ignored.

on further testing, the issue described above only affects MIDI tracks. Solos on sample banks are saved as expected. Solo’s on midi banks are saved until you power cycle the unit (this explains my original post where I said some solo tracks are remembered).

Got it. Thanks for reporting. It’s in the system.