Blank song / stop button doesn't work

Christmas firmware

I think it’s rather specification than a bug but in the following conditions “stop” doesn’t work.

Case 1
1- Load a project which has patterns and songs already
2- Go to Song mode and choose the next empty song
3- Go back to mixer mode press run/stop and let the pattern loop
4- Go back to Song mode. The screen is on the empty song.
→ Stop has no effect on the looping pattern in the background

Case 2
1- Load a project which has patterns and songs already
2- Go to Song mode
3- Play a song
4- Go to the next empty song
→ Stop has no effect on the playing song in the background

I understand that in an empty song mode, play doesn’t work because there is nothing to play but stop not working to stop stuff looping in the background is a bit strange. I don’t have every mode in mind but maybe only in song mode stop doesn’t “stop”?

If there’s a reason I’ve missed to have this behavior I’d be happy to learn it.

Nothing crucial for the workflow, just something I’ve noticed today slight_smile:

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Thanks. Fixed in dev.