Pattern Copy from SD Card

Every single time I attempt pattern copy with source set to SD Card I am met with “Copy Error Cannot Read File”. I have tested all manner of projects and combinations of From Pattern and To Pattern on two separate S2400 units.

I am fairly convinced anyone who attempts Pattern Copy with source set to SD Card will meet a similar error screen. If you have a moment can you test and let us know if you are successful?

Simply press the copy button by itself on the main screen to access pattern copy.


Confirmed here

It seems that there is an UI problem btw.
The selection of the project from the SD card appears when copy is pressed. And it seems that this whole project is loaded in the memory. There’s something weird.

Exemple of step by step

-Press copy
-switch source memory ⇒SD card then enter
-Click on copy
Copy error cannot read file is displayed, then Project SELECT appears on top

-choose a project ⇒ it is loaded in the memory
-choose a pattern
-click copy again
Same error message

Thanks for checking and expanding on the details!