S2400 Firmware Updates

2021-10-01 Update


  • Fixed not erasing previous step number in step edit forum link
  • Fixed swing bug forum link
  • Fixed swing in multimode forum link
  • Fixed waveform editor bug when moving end to zero forum link
  • Fixed fader jitter in waveform editor forum link
  • Fixed repeat in waveform editor forum link
  • Fixed saving of 32-bit float WAV files forum link
  • Fixed handling of WAVs with trailing zeros in file forum link
  • Fixed inaccurate gated note lengths forum link and
  • Fixed Load Map not causing that map to be saved when project is saved forum link
  • Fixed fader lock LEDs in parm settings menus forum link
  • Fixed song play indicator remaining after save forum link
  • Fixed faders reaching zero in waveform editor forum link
  • Fixed saving of 32-bit float WAV files forum link
  • Fixed repeat in waveform editor forum link
  • Fixed multi mode Shift+B with an empty track on the non-multi pad forum link
  • Fixed live loops not clearing with new project forum link
  • Fixed metro out of sync with play only one bar forum link
  • Fixed fader lock LEDs in song mode
  • Fixed step edit numeric view track select
  • Fixed editing step parms in TR mode
  • Fixed cursor moving when pressing pad in MIDI track step edit
  • Fixed edit step parms stopping TR chaser
  • Fixed edit step parms auditioning changes of swung notes
  • Fixed F5 not recognized in edit step parms
  • Fixed playhead showing over help in edit step parms
  • Fixed edit step parms help for prev/next track
  • Fixed pattern mode help for LiveLoop and MIDI tracks reversed
  • Fixed Live Loop filter turning when cutoff is at max for HP/BP
  • Fixed save Live Loop allowing assignment to midi track
  • Fixed filter settings apply to all tracks function
  • Fixed MIDI track pads not blinking on press/repeat
  • Fixed resample truncating beginning of file
  • Fixed Shift+pad in resample and stretch
  • Fixed some sounds previewing as white noise
  • Fixed polyphonic swing only playing one note
  • Fixed tempo not changing immediately when set in sample mode
  • Fixed pressing pad while saving sample and editing name
  • Fixed allowing question mark in file names
  • Fixed pressing pad to play sound in track settings when getting there from the wave editor
  • Fixed organize tracks not copying/moving track MIDI settings and mix level
  • Fixed filter parm record overwrite in mix mode
  • Fixed override or overwrite still on after doing Modify Pattern
  • Fixed Waveform Editor level changing issue

Changes & New Features

  • Turned off real-time quantize and swing forum link
  • Added separate setting for metronome during count-in forum link
  • Added setting for metronome count-in before (Record/Playback/Rec&Play)
  • Added F-Key quick reference to top of all appropriate help screens
  • Added user manual download QR code to bottom of all help screens
  • Allow transport and F-keys to function from help
  • Added pitch detect to track settings and file info (F1 in file browser)
  • Added BPM estimator to track settings and file info (F1 in file browser)
  • Added file bit depth to track settings and file info (F1 in file browser)
  • Added playback bit depth to Track Settings
  • Added Multi Enabled setting in Filter settings (Shift+B)
  • Added Live Loop Source to pattern screen
  • Moved MSC mode to bottom of file menu for quicker access
  • Changed song event insert (F1) to insert before the selected event instead of after
    Insert pattern with F2 still inserts after the selected event
  • Changed song repeat insert to automatically include the next event in the repeat group
  • When assigning a sound, if there is a .KIT file in the folder, the parameters will be loaded from the kit
  • Now displaying lowest MIDI octave as -2 instead of 0
  • In Step Program, fast encoder turn or arrow key repeat scrolls cursor by a quarter note
  • In Step Program TR mode, pressing Shift+Mute/Solo displays Edit Step Parms screen for that step, if the step is on
  • In Edit Step Parms, pressing Mute/Solo goes to the parms for that step, if the step is on
  • Now the last track being edited in edit step parms is the TR focused track
  • In Edit Step Parms, pressing a pad or Bank key goes to the next trigger for that pad/bank
  • Added More Popup notifications and setting to turn them off
  • Added right channel only to Track Settings, Input Monitor, and Sampling
  • Added fader and knob catchup
  • Added on-screen knob display
  • Added Pitch Stretch, access from Track Settings
  • Added Time Stretch, access from Track Settings, or F7 in the file browser
  • Added A+Pad (or B+Pad for filter) as a shortcut for selecting Modify Pattern from the parameter settings menu
  • Added playback override and record overwrite for envelope & slice modes
    NOTE: The A button now does the same thing in all fader modes. Envelope editor and Waveform editor have moved to the B button.
  • User Manual has been updated