Firmware Update Time

Put in the new effects card and turned on the S2400 and it seemed it was booting on the old firmware fine. Turned it off and put in an SD card with the latest firmware. It’s been stuck on the Updating screen for 15 minutes now. Never taken so long to update before. Any thoughts?

Weird, it was stuck on the update screen for 20 minutes. I took a chance and turned it off and took out the SD card. When I turned back on it loaded the old 2023 firmware with no issue. I put the SD card in my Mac and the upd firmware file had renamed itself into a forced update UPF file. I erased it and reloaded the UPD file onto the card. Back into the S2400 and this time it loaded up and restarted with the new firmware within a minute. So all is well. Leaving this up in case someone else encounters something similar,.

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Sheeit that’s a bit worrying. Guy posted earlier who’d turned off mid update and totally borked his machine…

I encountered exactly the same :confused:

I had the same thing happen in a previous update. Everything worked fine when I tried to install the firmware a second time.

Sometimes the firmware just needs a second go :slight_smile:

Which is completely ‘Unborkable’ by the user also.

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That’s the way we like it

I don’t have the DSP card & only starting out with my machine. Is it worth/should I update the firmware?

Yes, the firmware consistently improves and fixes little bugs. I’d recommend keeping it updated. I would recommend keeping all the files from old firmware, so if a new one has bugs that are troublesome (sometimes fixing one bug creates another), you can switch back to the previous firmware until Isla puts out an update.

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Great, thanks. Updating now :crossed_fingers:t2: