Frozen screen firmware update

Screen has been stuck on updating firmware for at least ten minutes now. Anybody have a fix?

A few folks have had this issue.

Check out this post from another thread. Maybe these steps will help?

Otherwise maybe send in a support ticket if you can’t get it resolved.

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Disregard that post - it gets there but it’s convoluted.

Turn your machine off, remove your SD card and load it onto your computer. Get the latest firmware update, change the file extension to .upf and put it on your SD card.

Now, grab a T10 hex screwdriver and take off the right hand metal side of your machine. Then move the cables so they look like they do here: Firmware update hangs, emergency update also hangs - #3 by otobot

Once you’ve done that, put your SD card with the firmware in the back of your machine (while it is off) and power on. The screen will stay dark for a minute or so while the fw updates and then it will come back to life. Let me know how you get on please.


Hey @bradholland and @roborr maybe consider making a pinned post with these instructions and any other common fixes that come up.

Just worked for me perfectly when upgrading this most recent time! Hopefully everyone would find it easily but just in case…