Not sure if this is a bug or an intended feature, but when quantize is turned on it auto-quantizes pads played in real time, similar to holding tap/repeat. It’s very much preferable for it work the way it does on an MPC or the original SP where you hear what you are actually playing in real time and then the quantized version the first time the segment repeats. Of course we can always lock tap/repeat if we want this real time quantize effect.
Feature request or bug, no other sampler or sequencer works this way by default as it really does ruin the instrument feel / user connection when using the machine with any kind of quantize active (feels like varying amounts of latency and missed triggers). Also as it’s only able to quantize hits into the future (unless you got some pretty special tech happening there ), it’s not a proper quantize anyway as a very slightly behind the beat hit becomes a very late hit rather than being placed on the nearest 16th (or whatever). Pretty high priority fix I’d say.
I don’t think it does🤔
Mine does anyway, try it out!
Mine doesn’t.
Interesting - newest firmware? Maybe I’ll make a video. Can @Mickey weigh in on whether this is intended behaviour?
Video here:
Recording into a blank sequence. Quantize is set to 1/8 to make the issue very obvious. Feels like a bug to me, makes the machine pretty much un-useable with any kind of quantize turned on.
Something’s wrong.
Open a ticket.
Thanks, good idea. Can anyone else reading this confirm whether or not their machine has this same behaviour?
If it’s a bug, it needs to be reported in the bug reports forum. Support tickets are for general questions/hardware or shipping issues and the like. The dev team and beta testing team don’t have access and won’t see it if you raise a ticket but they will see it in the bug reports forum.
Moved to Bug Reports
Hey Rob,
Thanks for the reply, I posted it in bug reports but Mickey moved it to feature requests and has yet to comment on it. Looks like SAP has just moved it back to bugs. Thanks all.
I’ve had that happening, but doesn’t happen regularly.
Just catch it happening again. Don’t think it’s intended to work like this?
Same problem but with swing.
Yeah it happens every time on mine. If you set the quantize to 1/4 and then try to play in those 8ths or some 16ths you’ll really notice it trying to quantize them as you play.
I think you’re right, this is how it works all the time.
Mine have done same thing few times. Its unusable for recording. I hope it will be fixed soon.
God damn. I thought I was losing my mind! This happens to me too. Completely unusable. PLEASE FIX THIS!!!
No word from isla-people on this? Will they fix this or is it really how they want it to work?
Okay. Enough with the “it does that for me too” posts. It does that. For everybody.
Yes. Quantize is real-time.
When recording a pad press, if the time is quantized in the past (would have already played) then the sound is played immediately. If the sound is quantized into the future, then it plays when at the correct time, the same time that it will play when the pattern is played back. The reasoning was that when you record, it will sound more like when it is played back.
I realize that is not how most machines do it. It is apparently not the improvement I thought it was. It can be changed.