Quantize after recording unquantized (fine)

Would be great to add a feature to quantize a track after it is recorded.

As of now if you record some hits with fine quantization there is no way afterward to quantize it.

I don’t want to loose the current functionality since it for example allows you to record a straight kick quantized to 4th or 8ths, then set quantization to fine and record looser ghost notes. But it would be great to be able to quantize them after if you wanna change the groove of the track or just later decide you want it quantized to 16th.

My suggestion is to hold down the quantize button and press the pad you want to quantize. It then applies whatever value the global quantization is set to.

Preferably with a popup window that lets you first listen to the new quantization and commit it with enter button or back out with the back button.


Majorly king i think it shift notes only i might be wrong but only thing that worked when tried to shift after recorded.

I’m not following, what do you mean?

This is a must :+1:

Also, quantize percentage would be nice!


+1 i would also very appreciate this feature


Quantize percentage would be very nice indeed!

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+1 here

on my MPC 4000 you can try applying various quantise options to a track before you decide which to apply - ie you can hear the result before committing.

An option to adjust the strength of quantise would be great - so notes can be tightened up but still left not fully on the quantise setting.


Bumping this as having had the unit a few weeks not being able to post-quantise tracks is a bit of a bummer. My Linn Drum is laughing at me :slight_smile:

I would like the option to be able to post-quantise single tracks and the entire pattern. Would be nice if there was a way to preview it before committing.


i also love how the 4000 does this

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Unless I’m missing something can’t you sequence at a very loose quantization then change it to tighten things up if needed? I haven’t tried this method but I think it would work :thinking:

there is no quantise for notes already played in

No, the current quantization setting will be recorded in and can’t be changed after. I like it that way but would be great to also have the possibility to tighten things up after being recorded. Quantize button + pad to override the current quantize setting would be dope and give you best of both worlds :slight_smile:

Preferably with a popup window that lets you first listen to the new quantization and commit it with enter button or back out with the back button.


@Mickey is this in the works?


Hey, quite annoying we still can’t quantize after « fine » recording. Would be great to have the ability to (post) quantize per pad / event in step recording mode, with Q depth like 0-100.%
Humanisation would be useful, Groove quantize as well…

Really need this !

Thanks !

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+1 - that would be a great addition…

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yes indeed a nice feature

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Any idea if this coming? Not being able to quantise after recording bothers me constantly. I always over estimate my ability to play stuff in well :wink: