1 year since Firmware update

Yeah, I’m glad to get the two bugs I found squashed. Should be awesome and well worth the wait.

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I found at least 10 of them and still keep finding new ones. But I’m afraid to post the newly founds, since this would probably mean more delay. I really need a couple of essentials that are inspiration-killers to me. The most important to me is the gain setting per pad. Every time I load a beat, I have to run by every pad to reset the level to the value it supposed to have.

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Nah, report away! I’d rather them know and work on fixing it ahead of time than to be like three updates later still addressing stuff (like the MPC firmare usually does).

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This is unavoidable. Every new update will bring more bugs to the table. You can only work towards bugfree (and never reach that anyway), when you stop adding new features.

I believe this update is a bug-squashing update. I think I remember @bradholland saying that in the video.

Yeah, but the looper has new functionality added and also at least there’s that SP floppy read functions.

Also, since they do not spend enough time testing it (some volunteer beta testers that know that craft are not welcomed into the team). So even fixing bugs will introduce new bugs, since not all related functions are really put to the test in an analytical way. And my guess is that there are no automatic test scripts or a very few. Which all adds up…

‘Test first development’ is where it’s at!


I’m not too privy to the inner-workings of it all, so I can’t really make any valid points - you got me there. We still should do our part and just report what we can so they could at least be aware of it all and maybe one day it will be bug-free (or at least close to it). LOL.

I will report every one of them, but for now I just want the basics. So I’m the rebel with a pause.


Can’t be mad at that all at… LOL.

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It would be good if they could implement bug reporting on a list basis where the bugs that have the most user reports rise to the top of the list.

Something like that would give them the data on the most likely verifiable bugs and the bugs that are affecting the largest amount of users.

They could do a feature requests list on the same basis with user votes ordering the request list.


Yeah that’s the most annoying for me, easiest workaround is just to move fader slightly down then up and gain will be as set.

here here,

Indeed, there might be another maintenance update quickly after the next one because of the new buggy features, the new bugs founded by new users and the old unfixed bugs.
So yeah I wouldn’t report right now. I’d wait for the next update :slight_smile:

I really do love the SP2400 - but there’s a danger of feature bloat with the added bells and whistles. From Isla’s point of view, it’s really about selling more units, and more features will tempt more people into buying one - I completely understand that. The problem (as mentioned above) is that more functionality introduces more bugs. The new DSP cards look great on paper, but I’d imagine that their integration will be hard work for the software techs. In an ideal world, the firmware would be consolidated first before new functions are rolled out, but a lot of people want new features and Isla have to respond to that to be competitive. None of the firmware updates have been free of bugs - but maybe the upcoming one will be close - having a ‘safe’ version to revert to is a good thing before Cardmageddon :smiley: Just my POV though.


S2400 is more of a niche market. I don’t think it’s a competition thing so much. I reckon it is more if a labor of love but yeah I’m sure it’s likely to bring more bugs at some stage. But as long as they can find dev to delivery then I’m all for it. Hopefully the incoming firmware covers material bugs for now

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Outdated forum. Anyone wanna make an 11 months one?

10 months and 23 days, but who’s counting :wink:


The bugs are most definitely not solved in a FIFO manner and are being assigned a priority internally instead.

The updates we all deserved

