1 year since Firmware update

Brad said the new units would have the firmware update so it must be ready to drop… in January?! Still a few hours left :slight_smile:

Huh. It looks like people are starting to receive them. I’d be surprised if they shipped them with a new firmware that still isn’t officially released, but maybe it’s coming any minute now :man_shrugging:t2:

Maybe the real firmware update before Christmas was the friends we made along the way



February 2023. Just about a year from our last firmware release.

Seems awfully long for just bug fixes, maybe a nice surprise is coming. Pitchbend / modwheel CC’s… :pray:t3:


Yeh must admit it’s taking its time , let’s hope it’s worth the wait.


I smell copium :thinking:

You would :joy:

Wishful thinking more likely, as I try to rationalise the delay :face_with_spiral_eyes:

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So pretty much every day for the past 7 or 8 months, I come here to the forum looking to see if the firmware has been updated. I know many more of you probably do the same thing. It seems like all of the guys at Isla are really great and have good intentions. BUT I cannot use my S2400 in what I would consider the way it was intended to be used because almost every time I load a project, I get this message. It’s not the first time I have posted about it and others have posted the same thing. I don’t know what causes the message and if I did, I would stop doing whatever it is because it ruins my enjoyment of an otherwise solid instrument. Basically, I cannot expect to ever work on a project through multiple sessions because this message will undoubtedly pop up. The fact that it has not been fixed yet makes me wonder if this or other bugs are giving the guys a lot of trouble. I for one would be very happy to see this bug go away though. Sorry for the rant, but I want to enjoy my sampler…


Yeah maintenance updates that only fix bugs should be released more often imo. Let’s say every 3 months or 6 months rather than 1 year.

Most of the bugs have probably been fixed for a long time now.


Or move to an open source platform.


I occasionally get that message on older projects that I open up but I’ve not noticed it changing the projects that much*. And I’ve never seen it pop up on newer stuff. What does it do for you?

*it’s possible that the projects are so old that I’ve forgotten how they’re meant to sound!

Yeah, I had that Notice appear again last night when I opened an older Project. What’s more concerning at the moment is some tracks randomly choking others even when there’s no choke groups assigned. And only 4 voices running. I also had the s2400 freeze/crash on a new Project while attempting to load a sample into a playing pattern. No MIDI, no computer, just standalone. The sample was around 7 seconds long but auditioned ok. I lost an hour’s work completely, but I should have saved before that.
Whether bugs like this are a major problem depends on what you’re working on, but there’s no way I would use the s2400 in a live set at the moment - it’s just not robust enough. I’m hoping that the long delay with the Firmware update fixes these. If they don’t then there’s only one alternative to the s2400…££$$.

Not sure what made it happen. I worked on something for about 2 hours and saved it. Decided to turn the S2400 back on an hour or so later and when I loaded up the project I got the message. There were some odd changes to my choke groups that I changed back the way they were and resaved the project. I tried loading it again after that and the message did not come back. I remember one project several months ago where the “Choke Group” text actually changed to “ALT” or something similar. Which implied to me that the old Alternate Output code is still buried in there somewhere and the machine gets confused for some reason. I imagine that the source of the problem revolves around choke groups though and I use them a lot.
Incidentally, last night, I tried to progressively change settings on a new project and I saved over and over, reloading each time, and I could not recreate the problem.

would love to see the firmware moved to open source so mere mortals could help improve the platform.

another out of the loop sampler head


Agreed! As I said many times in the past, I would also be very happy to contribute to the development.


Open source may create intellectual property concerns, even if carefully licensed. I don’t own any commercial music gear which uses open source firmware.

Isla developers would have to take on the added responsibility of reviewing and testing community contributions. They would have to help people setup a proper development tool chain and fix their bricked machines. Open sourcing software doesn’t automagically improve development velocity.

Finally, maybe the firmware code is a massive ball of mud and they don’t want to deal with dozens of software engineers complaining about it.

Not sure what IP concerns would exist when the programming is hardware locked to purchasers anyway.

No doubt that people could fry their machines (for instance, cranking the gains up above specification for various stages or just deleting the BIOS). I think for this reason that going open source would be a classy move if the Isla team was moving on to different projects and discontinuing support anyway.

The last reason is pretty legit. If it’s not already challenging enough to manage a development cycle, then doing it from a platform that is reasonably contributable by the public must be a nightmare. With that said, I think it makes sense. There is a strong community here, and only a couple of people working on development.



I don’t need the s2400 to make me coffee and do my taxes but I would still love to see it’s capabilities stretched to their absolute limit without sacrificing operability.

I grow tired of GAS and just want to make the most with what I’ve got and if the s2400 can do more, hell yeah why not?

Things like an arpeggiator for midi tracks or any other frivolous feature request may seem unnecessary but in the context of hoping the s2400 is the last piece of hardware I ever have to own that fits that studio centerpiece vibe, than yes please throw in as many creativity enhancing improvements as you can possibly muster Isla.