Pitch and Mod wheel is def needed. I’d pick Mod wheel, if I could only choose one; as I use that on almost every project (Pitch wheel only seldom).
If implemented, it needs to be smooth too; no weird audible steps/gaps, etc.
It’s one of those “learn how to walk, before you can run” features, that the S2400 needs.
Simple features I miss big time from my MPC60.
Love the S2400 for the obvious reasons… basically a true old-school 12bit sampler/sequencer available in the modern days (sorta like an SP & MPC 60/3000 hybrid, with modern amenities like SD, MSC, USB).
But, it def skipped a lot of basic “walking” features, and just went straight to sprinting for the olympics (envelopes, loopers, daw compatibility, FX card, analog filter card, etc.).
I think the main reason this isn’t requested more often, is that most peeps that use/buy/want the S2400 are boombap heads, and aren’t as experienced in synths, or have many of them, compared to other genres (dance, house, ambient, experimental, jungle/d&b, etc.).
Or, most people just use a DAW for their midi-sequencing needs.
Another big thing that limits me, is any long midi notes/chords get cut-off upon the next loop repetition (like for long pads, strings, fx, etc.)… forcing you to play those long notes/chords only on the 1st beat… or, always ending on the 1st beat.
This makes all your synth playing sound very meh, beginner and/or uninteresting.
And, locking tracks/pads while editing and scrolling to diff events inside list-mode/step-edit would help a lot too. A bit tedious/annoying to always need to keep changing to the track/pad you’re checking/editing (like checking your external-midi-kybd playing/recording).