Currently we have the ability to externally control slice start/end, filter, panning and a few other things via MIDI CCs.
It would be great to also have MIDI CC control over pitch.
I like messing around with the sliders in real time, but recreating a series of movements becomes very difficult. If I could use an external controller that sends CCs to the S2400, I can also record those MIDI messages for later playback.
Ah so this definitely isn’t possible at the moment then, had me scratching my head the other night haha. I was just about to crate another topic not having spotted this one
Surely giving CC control over the pitch fader would be easier to implement than pitch bend? I know they’re having trouble with implementing pitch bend, but the pitch slider already exists, so surely it’s just attaching a way of CC being able to address it no?
Sorry, I’m no coder/developer, so I have NO clue about how easy/difficult it is to actually implement stuff heh.
Yeah, I ended up selling the 2400 and went back to the Octatrack.
I’m more interested in sample mangling and real time changes versus traditional chopping beats/loops approach. And for what I want to do, the OT works better for me.
2 VERY different machines there tbf. I like different boxes for different things, each have their strengths and weaknesses, and no single box I’ve ever used is perfect.
I’m definitely keen to see what the future of the 2400 looks like anyhow.
I like my Octatrack too, but it serves a very different purpose to me. Elektron in general is definitely geared towards performance, and I love them for that. Also, some boxes lend themselves better to certain genres/ styles of production too imo. I make a lot of different stuff, so I’ve found this a lot and have certain set ups I lean towards depending on what I’m trying to make.
agreed. I’ve been through a lot of samplers over the years including the E-II, Emax, E4XT Ultra, Fairlight, MPC 60/3000/5000, Akai S6000, z8, and others. For what I want to do, the OT works, but I agree it’s definitely not for everyone (I’m on my 3rd after selling it twice).
Yeah I love all the Elektron bits I have too, one thing I can’t stand about the Octatrack though, is the pitch algorithm, it’s really bad, which makes no sense to me since in the Rytm, it’s really quite good.
I loved ensoniq mirage for being able to pitch bend my samples with that lofi sound. Now its sold i am really hoping to be able to pitch bend samples of the s2400!!!
I think I’ve managed to do this if I remember correctly. There isn’t a Midi CC for pitch, but there is a midi CC for pitch of the envelope, and you can use that one.
But not sure please try it yourself!
Re pitchbending samples using external midi keyboard, if implemented it would also be good to be able to turn pitchbend on or off for each sample. E.g i could ignore pitchbend on drum hits while still pitch-bending synth stuff.
Havent tried the cc but im assuming that it wouldnt be able to pitchbend the sample in realtime as the pitch env doesnt behave in this way… only the pitch slider can do this. The pitch env only changes the pitch on retrigger.
I’m also voting for an option to control the pitch of ividual samples via
Pitch bend support would be a nice addition, but since it would affect all the samples on the midi channel (unless specific samples were set to ignore it as suggested), I’d prefer the cc option if it came down to choosing between the two.