This has been answered in the “DSP Plugins and stuff” thread.
If you search for “Thomann” on the forum and click on the search result for the topic it will lead you directly to the question. Brads answer is just below then🙂
Thanks Dave, Brad’s mentioning a second batch there, but there’s also mention of the DSP card not being produced after they run out of it (I honestly don’t remember where I read that), so there’s a chance that there won’t be a second batch and therefore no way to buy the card elsewhere other than Thomann…?
I’m really confused (and the website is not accepting my PayPal)
Yes you never know. The DSP card apparently was a load of work just in burning the firmware on each one, very time consuming. However if it is a big hit and expands the S2400 incredibly with effects and virtual instrument potential, I could see ISLA revisiting another batch. I bought the S2400 three years ago when it was supposed to be the last batch for an indefinite time. Eventually more batches came through because it was in demand and a hit. So… for now I am happy I bought a card in case more don’t get made.
I understand the problems that come with taking a boutique approach, but still could use some clarification from the people themselves…
@bradholland When does the special discount go live for the Digital Sound Factory content please?
Two add on questions to @tripn3o3’s question:
- Will purchased DSF content be ready to go when we get the card? We just copy it to SD and that is that?
- On one of the other threads there is mention of a MB (effective) limit, and I’m wondering if the Wurltizter or Steinway that DSF has might be plausible, or way, way over. I think the Steinway was 200MB+, the Wurly isn’t listed but is probably 40MB or so.
If there is a draft of a revised manual, I would be very, very interested in reading it.
Damn y’all, let the team work on getting the cards shipped…
it has been more than a few days. As other are recieving their cards today. i reside in the UK. wondering when i might get shipment confirmation? order: 231028
Any one have a delivery date yet? Mine still says, label created and awaiting item. I got a shipping notice on the 4th.
If what the forum users are saying is correct, it’s not okay that new orders are being filled prior to pending orders that have been waiting paid-in-full for 10 months.
Got a delivery date of this Thursday (2/13). FWIW (@Brandtp1) I think I pre-ordered the DSP on the first day it was available many months ago
Brad already addressed this a few posts back.
I also ordered the first day it was available and have not received a shipping notice. I’ve been waiting for 10 months, another week or two doesn’t bother me if that is the most efficient way for Isla Instruments to do it. They are a very small team and this is a boutique product. There are also going to be firmware bugs that will need to be ironed out, I’m sure. Isla continues to improve and support the instrument, and with a small team, that takes time.
I understand anxiously wanting that thing that you paid for, but just be patient, it will come.
I asked a badly worded question on the live feed, so will try and articulate it better.
If i currently use 8 analog outputs for recording, how would i record the master fx chain in the dsp to my daw? I.e. Would i be able to use the master analog outs for this? And or same for usb audio?
Perhaps its a stupid thinking as why would i need a master chain recorded to a daw if i multitrack out, but im assuming its necessary if you want to record the live fx on the master bus to a daw.
Master out is just a physical sum of outs 1-8 as i understand it, so no…
So dumb question where / how would you record the master fx? It seens that the dsp has a specific master channel, which i think is where the live fx can be found (if i recall the live stream correctly)
No Idea I’m afraid, I guess you just assign to two of the physical outputs maybe ? don’t have a DSP card (or one coming)
Ok now I understand your question.
Previously, before the DSP card, the master out on the S2400 was mechanically summed from all the individual output jacks.
The master output now is its own dac channel. so the physical outputs on the back are no longer tied to it.
SO i guess to directly answer your question, if you are recording into your daw using the 8 individual outs, you are not using our master bus, but if you connect up your daw to the main stereo out, you will be able to record our new master bus output.
So if you have the DSP card installed you can now use the 8 outs and the main outs simultaneously?