Dsp, dsp, dsp!

so is this like the bounce feature in reaper where you can record all your individual tracks with efx but when you use bounce you also get a “live” 2 track master?

Wow! That’s incredible!

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Can the input monitor inputs be assigned to the master bus now too? Or any tracks for that matter?

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yes, and you can apply effects to them too!


game = changed

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That’s amazing thanks!

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Do any of you watch my youtube videos? lol


The shorter ones! The kids rarely allow me to get through the entire streams :rofl:


I was gonna say, he talked about this in one of the recent videos. Also mentioned plugging his guitar in for live fx processing in chats with the Pro Synth Network guys. So, yes, some of us do!

However, I am still a little unsure if this means we can monitor both stereo pairs simultaneously? I vaguely remember you saying the hardware can only monitor one at a time because they get passed to the input filters. One of Octatrack’s claim to fame is it’s also a 4 channel mixer. Does this update allow for all 4 inputs at once?

I need to recheck the schematics of the analogue board. I’m reasonably confident that it can’t be done, I am going to check though,.


Huge +1 for using both stereo pairs simultaneously, especially now with FX routing and USB tap. One stereo pair is still a win.

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Thanks Brad for clarification!

Was typing whilst simultaneously minding my 7 month old during the live stream (solid parenting, haha). Was pretty funny hearing it read live and realising it only made sense to me :sweat_smile:.

Anyways loved the live stream randomness and amazing work on this release. Waiting till i have enough pennies to grab one of these but its defo my next purchase.

Does anyone know the signal path of the DSP boards? Will we be able to capture the effects in the box via USB to our DAW or are they applied to the output? I’d assume the former considering all the routing options, just curious as mine arrives TOMORROW :tada::tada::tada::partying_face:


Pretty sure the former, but I don’t recall that being addressed in one of the YouTube videos / live streams. At this point, maybe you can report back and tell us what you’ve found out :nerd_face:

Saw that this is streaming soon. Maybe 11ish hours away?

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I was wondering:
if you load an instrument into the DSP and it has a bunch of parameters that can be tweaked, Can you use external MIDI knobs and adjust more than the Fader and 2 Knobs ?
Can you use both Faders/ Knobs if it is stereo?

I bought the dsp… i took it for granted but is it possible to automate the plugins? For example on patter 1 reverb is active, on pattern 2 is off and another effect is active and so on…

not at the moment.

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D’oh! I hope it will be implemented. It is fundamental to program my annoying noises.


Hello Guys…
In testing my DSP card over the last few days i found that i will have to do a better job of organizing what items are sounds and which ones are effects etc, but i ran into an issue where when i loaded multiple plugins, the dsp card would not provide a sound to (FOR Example). a piano plugin and a jx10… a shut down and restart would not resolve the issue… however inside the sync settings tab if you toggle the (pass to dsp )on and off… it would reset…and hey sound again. i am running a midi din cable from my mpc to use pad perform on the keys. the basskit plugin is the culprit that seems to runs me into issues…PRIVATE VIDEO FOR DSP

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