Dsp, dsp, dsp!

I got my order is now complete email but is says nothing about shipping or tracking info. Is that what you got too?

why wouldnt you just use the card as it come, see if its working as you would like and then decide if you really need a ā€œfan upgradeā€ or not? pretty sure that brad and his team made some research before just slapping a fan on the DSP cardā€¦

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I didnā€™t say anything about that. But I would love to compare and check noise levels etcā€¦Thatā€™s why I was askingā€¦In my first post I only asked if it was possibleā€¦

the most ridiculous thing Iā€™ve heard this week, and to be honest, with current affairs etcā€¦ thatā€™s saying something. :stuck_out_tongue:

You are not likely to hear the fan at all, except for a blip on bootup. Which is a good thing, it letā€™s you know ā€˜Hey, Iā€™m here and workingā€™

The fan is off most of the time, unless the machine hits a certain temperature and then only throttles to one of 4 firmware set speeds. I would be very surprised if you ever hear it at all other than bootup.

I donā€™t know this fan, but it could also be that its too low-rpm or doesnā€™t have enough CFM also.

That said, if the module overheats, it just slows itself down, and that will become very apparent as audio will start to break as it slows its cores down from 1.5ghz to 1ghz. Because every clock cycle is calibrated to our very low sample latency and audio clock.
That takes about an hour in south florida late summer running the module with NO fan.
So I really donā€™t think you need to worry about this, I would leave my OEM on the card.
If it ever goes bad, Iā€™ll replace it.

Bottom line, itā€™s yours to do what you want with, but thereā€™s no need.

p.s. everyone almost got an rgb led lit fan on their card, as I know how much people liked all my candy coloured pads when I first announced thoseā€¦


Iā€™m sure Shawn Lov will be disappointed you didnā€™t go with the LED fan.

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hahha blast from the past!
wonder how my old mate is doing.

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Ok mate! I like tinkering and was just asking if it was possible.
You may find it ridiculous, I would call it curiosity.
Anyway, donā€™t think I have bother no ones mums or something.
donā€™t know why you all are making such a big fuss about a simple question.
A no answer would be enough.
Iā€™ll try to refrain myself of asking anything from now on.


We need a fan we can sample.


Got two emails very close together, one order confirmation and one shipping, butā€¦ the shipping email was just triggered because a shipping label was created, it looks like the shipping facility is still awaiting the items from Brad and Co. before they can ship it and estimate an arrival date.


No / Yes! :wink:


I see people who are ordering the cards now are getting shipping infoā€¦

I ordered the card last May (not international shipment) and havenā€™t received shipping info yet? I imagine itā€™s fine and you are working through the orders but just wanted to make sureā€¦.

Really looking forward to getting this thingā€¦

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I placed an order on 4/21 for domestic delivery, pretty early in. Order # 231177. No email yetā€¦ Order page still says processingā€¦

Thanks. Yes me too!!

Has any international orders been shipped yet or still on domestic?


Iā€™m April 19, #230961, also for domestic delivery. No shipping notification over here, either. Hopefully tomorrow!

guys, you will ALL have your shipping notification within the next few days.
There are multiple different angles I take when printing labels that have been in the system so long.
If i were to sit and do it completely sequentially, it would take me 3 times as long.
Hang tight please, I am going as fast as I can.


Its time to press the red button and put the forum on lockdown.

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Anyone know if it would be possible for a VST that makes simple sound founts of our synths straight from the S2400? Kind of like what the Kiviak LOFI doesā€¦ This could be that on steroids

Is there any chance that the DSP card will make it to retailers like Thomann so I could order one without the hassle of having to pay 45 for shipping and import duties. Makes it from ā€œjust worth the priceā€ to ā€œreally a lot of money for some reverbs and delays and compressionā€ (in my case)

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