Dsp, dsp, dsp!




Signs of life on Facebook :laughing:


Ha sweet! That’s all I need to hear personally. Not in a rush, just like to know that it’s coming along. Stoked to get the thing when it’s ready!


Same for me!

I want to be patient but the truth is that this is my first time ever spending close to a month’s of salary on gear that has yet to be released (one DSP card and two Caladans) and I never could have guessed upfront that the whole process would take me back and forth form being excited to a being a bit anxious.

I know the team is working their fingers to the bone, and you’re appreciated :kissing_heart:

A “No worries, we’re still on it” bi-weekly or so, would probably calm the most of us down.

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I think the wait was even worse for the s2400 due to covid. The OS is not finished yet though, still a bit buggy.

So I guess no problem for the DSP card and caladans. They come when they come and problems are fixed within the next 3 to 5 years :slight_smile:


Let’s not forget when shipping ingest in Florida was so bad that it took weeks for the boat just to get into port, sitting patiently off shore.

Just be patient. Isla have earned our trust with excellent instruments and reasonable updates with real inside baseball info. They have a lot on their plate and I don’t get the impression that any time is wasted. The time it takes is the time it takes.


People just want an update since the last video said they were shipping within a week or two. No one is doubting their commitment, work ethic or anything like that. It’s not an unreasonable request to want another update even if it’s “we are three months away from shipping” given the current circumstances.


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Isla comms are usually just fine. I can imagine there’s been a hiccup causing the delayed delivery, and that they’d prefer to share this together with a solution or update all at once, which takes time to figure out.

Just a little extra patience guys… we’re not shopping at Amazon, and we’ve known that from the start. So far, that trust has been more than rewarded.


The trust is there because of their transparency in the past. No one is clamoring for immediate delivery and no one even started asking for another update until after the holidays. People just want to know what the hiccup is given that it’s been radio silence since the “shipping within a week or so” update about a month ago.


Agreed. A status update isn’t an unreasonable request.

Patience and curiosity are not mutually exclusive.


i’ll give you an update then lol… Isla are still preparing orders as time-frames have blown out due to unforeseen delays. i hope this helps.