Workaround for sample playback not working in Loop/Slice mode

Much like other people here I’ve noticed the bug where sometimes longer samples stop playing back in Loop/Slice mode, but weirdly enough if you hit Level while in the waveform view to add normalization and you turn the encoder wheel after hitting the pad the sound will come back in and should stay active until you exit Loop/Slice. You don’t have to apply the normalization for it to still work, although I haven’t tested this extensively so I could be wrong. Just thought I’d give my two cents, hopefully this gives a bit more info and a point of reference to the devs and hopefully a workaround for people experiencing this issue!


Good workaround.
The bug has already been fixed and is being beta tested. New firmware will be posted soon. Hopefully tomorrow.


Great. Thanks Mickey! I thought this was probably a non-issue dev-side but didn’t see anything about it here (the workaround at least) so thought I’d post anyway. Looking forward to the next update!


Hopefully the update with the fix will be posted soon. I have so many long samples and can’t really work with them.
Thank You.

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Hey thanks for the workaround, was trying to work this out why long samples that I wanted to edit ,chop kept going silent , level data wheel works, looking forward to next update,

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No problem. Looking forward to the next update too!

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Yes, I found this bug yesterday too.

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Has this been fixed yet or in a post 12/16 - 12/1 FW update ?This one is killing me. lol

As I said above: fixed in beta, will be in the next release.

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