Pause record

Good morning @everyone.

I don’t know if it has been suggested,
or is a ready available.

while recording a sample or sound in, is there a way we can pause, then restart. So we can maximise the sounds we want and leave out the sound(s) we don’t.

Sampling something for 10 or 20 secconds throughout somtimes dont work, as the chops I want are not that close.

I think a pause in record may help that.
what do you guys think?

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Sounds like a timeline in a DAW a bit.

When you say chop, it makes me think of slices. You can save a longer sample, then go into loop/slice mode, turn on multi-mode, then set the start points to each area of interest in your longer recording.

This sampler has very limited RAM for sample playback (2MB max for instant access like looping, 64MB to edit in loop/slice waveform mode at all), so tbh you may find yourself wanting to work with shorter samples, rather than longer ones.

EDIT: Also live loop mode is a whole extra approach that might get you closer to what you want. Apparently they are about to release an update with a re-worked live loop mode too.

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I hear what you are
saying. I meant in the record feature, if we could press record, then pause it. Then when you like another sound pressed record again.

but your right, could chop and slice it later.
im just being lazy I guess.

thank you for the reply, kid.

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For sure. I’m just being post-miscuous this morning and ppl sometimes always under-respond in forums. There is lots of work to be put in with this sampler and it took me a long time to not be overwhelmed coming from the computer world. End up flying over those save and bounce and menu buttons at light speed.