Velocity Assignment per pad/track

Would be great to have adjustable velocity assignment per pad/track (as in MPC3000 etc). For example:

Velocity to Level: (0-99, global)
…Sample Start: (0-99, global) (really nice for responsive/realistic snares and kicks)
…Vol Env Attack: (etc)
…Filter Cutoff:
…Filter Env Amount:

Would be ideal if it worked the same both with the pads and with an external midi input.



Just want to bring this to the top. Compared to a lot of requests here, these are pretty basic and essential features in a drum sampler/sequencer.

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you mean to places other than the amp?

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Yep, there are some suggested destinations in the original post. Also would just be nice to be able to control how much vel goes to amp.

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doh !

i missed the OP :rofl:

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This, but I would also add velocity to decay to the list.

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