USB host not cooperating

Not to hijack this thread, but since @sircates problem was resolved…

I have 4 other novation products that I tried to connect to the USB H port:

  • Impulse 49
  • Launchpad OG
  • Launchpad mini
  • Launchpad X

The impulse works great!
The older launchpads do nothing, since they are not class compliant.
The X should work, it’s class compliant. However…
If connected before power up, I get a nice light show, but the X stays in standby mode.
If I connect it after the 2400 is already operational, it seems to work. So it gets enough power from the H port. The X shows normal boot behavior and after that it gets into note mode, great. BUT: no notes are being sent to the 2400. When opening the midi monitor on the 2400, all I see is program changes (when switching from note to custom mode). No midi notes, CC.
BTW: latest firmware on both the 2400 and the X.

What could be causing this?