MIDI! usb controller not connecting [FIXED]

I’m not posting here out of laziness! and as far as i can tell i’ve tried all the recommended fixes to get this working.

So, I simply want to trigger the sample tracks from an external midi source, should be easy right? I have done the following already -

  1. In sync settings I have activated notes in, cc in, velocity in on all three midi sources
  2. in my sample track settings (shift+pad) i set the sample track to ‘pitched’ and for the sake of logic…set the channel numbers to the track numbers.
  3. I have also tested my USB controller for functionality with other kit, it is working fine with everything else.
  4. Also tested with Ableton sending notes via USB to the S2400 .

Specifically, I had a sample on on pad 8 bank A, as I said b4 I set it to pitched, channel 8 and made sure i was sending on channel 8 from Ableton and the USB keyboard (not at the same time)… but not a sound…no incoming midi showing on Midi monitor page either!

i also made sure to try sending notes from across the range from c-2 up to c5 on the keyboard and higher and lower from Ableton

what am i not getting!?

So I solved this and am posting just in case anyone else ever encounters the same issue.

The set up was all fine and i had checked all the needed boxes to get things working, but I thought at some point ‘what if the power draw was too much for the S2400 from the controller’ so i tried powering the USB keys with a PSU and badabading! the S2400 that had gone to sleep woke up and everything worked as expected. I then immediately tried unplugging the PSU from the controller and everything still worked…

All I can deduce from this is that perhaps the USB out on the S2400 is very slightly underpowered?! it seemed to ‘see’ the controller once there was power and then carried on seeing the controller once i unplugged the PSU.

I should add that the controller is a tiny 2 octave one with a grand total of 8 knobs and 8 buttons, and no flashing disco lights so you would think that the draw would be minimal?

The S2400 is a bit of a mystery machine at times.

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