Sporadic jumping/sticky faders

Had this issue since I got my unit (Serial #1910) but it’s so minor I never got around to making a bug report. It would be nice to know if there’s a fix though :grinning:
I had a look in the forum but couldn’t find a similar bug report, so sorry if this is a double-up!

This behaviour occurs in all modes (Level, pitch, etc.) but I had it on Loop/Slice for the video.
It occurs on channels 3 & 6, being slightly worse on 6.

Some days it is better, or worse than this, depending on what mood my S2400 woke up in.

It also sometimes gives me difficulty maxing out the fader to 100% or 0% (All the way up/all the way down). This is when the behaviour becomes quite annoying, especially when chopping samples.

I have contact cleaner, but would like to get some thoughts from the community first before I start spraying.

Running latest firmware Oct2023.

jumpy sliders