Save Multi Slices (batch process)

The context is extracting all multi slices to single files to find a workaround to other limitations.

From what I’ve seen the “Save Sample/Slice” window is common to several modes. I think that depending on the mode customizing this window or adding extra options could improve the workflow.

Below is an idea of an extra window when trying to save multislices in 1 time except of 8 times consecutively for example.


I Concur :fire:

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this could save time if it’s something you do alot.
but, what “other limitations” does this work around?

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Sorry other limitations were refering to other posts created at the same time so it is difficult to understand without context.

In this case it meant having a 16 bit sample with multislices on transients that are not equally divided and trying to have the same multislices for the 12 bit version of the sample pitched at +5.37.

In the end it was easier to achieve with individual slices rather than multislices.

Even if you don’t extract multislices to individual slices often this is something good to have. Just do it one time and realize how it is time consuming, repetitive and boring.


It would be great if there was an option to export multi slices directly into a new KIT folder.


That save multi slices would be nice like that :ok_hand:


+1! A “save all 8 slices to 8 separate files” & assign them directly to the pads function is a GREAT idea!!
@Mickey @bradholland

I just wish you could save a Multislice as a “program” or whatever, since kits are pretty useless to me personally, since they replace way too much. Just being able to slice a break, save the “program”, and reopen it with the slices and settings, would be lovely and far more useful, at least for me.




+1 love this


+1 would love a batch export and I love the idea of the (assign:from) as an addition, nice mockup @tnkz76

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Being able to export the 8 chops as 8 separate samples with the 2400 sound would be tasty.

I’ve been using the 2400 to create a break and weird sample library lately. Having those slices exported is super useful to me because:

I can drop them into Serato sample banks easier.

I can create massive themed kits in battery or live drum sampler… moving between gear easier is always welcome.

All the while saving the edits I made per slice to pitch, volume, filter, etc.

Huge feature for folks who sample heavy.

it’s been added in the latest firmware update :slight_smile:

I didn’t realize… awesome!

That’s it. I’m buying the next ISLA product sight unseen.

Brad could sell me a bridge at this point. I’m in.

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