Sample rates difference

Hey guys d yo find any sonic difference between working 44 or 48 ?

Have any one experienced cpu difficulties working with 44?

Is worth change all the sample rates from other machine kits that I usually use?

I read that the sample rate change to 48 is made in he playback…

Can you resample your own kits internally or in a Daw to do the conversion while you work?

pd: I don’t have the machine already

No, not really


For sure

Not on the sampler itself. so in a DAW, or other conversion software on your computer.

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Never had any problems or hear any difference in my 2400 or overall sound. Unless you’re producing a comeback album for Michael Jackson or Prince, but unfortunately they both passed away.

16-bit 44/48 is sufficient. A lot of folks out there blabbering about these numbers like “I only produce in 96khz or 192khz” can’t put together a decent track with a gun to their head.


Isn’t the whole point of the S2400 to create crunchy 12 bit 26 kHz bangers? I think you guys are using it wrong or am I just misguided?

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At least my answer was in regards to OP’s question.

Wrong? I make “bangers” at any bitrate :muscle:. Regardless I usually combine 12bit/16bit on my tracks.

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At least my answer was in regards to OP’s question.

True, I was just making a bit of a joke, but as usual no one ever jokes on the internet so it gets misconstrued as me being an asshole.


The only reason to convert to 48, is to save CPU cycles. It is very easy to max out the CPU when using 44.1 and then combining that with a busy sequence and/or loads of slices and/or a lot of simultaneous tracks. When passing the red line, samples are dropped, samples are glitching out, or the groove gets lost. Just straight up facts, at least with the current OS.


Fair enough, but that hasn’t happened to me yet.

I had OTHER problems with my 2400 believe me. But customer service has been pretty good so far.


It’s been a few months since I’ve used 48Khz as my DEFAULT for everything.
isla, Ableton, mp3s… it’s all 48khz.

I use 12b / 26k VERY often too, but just on the Isla !

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