Possible to midi trigger multi-mode pads?

This reply makes me think he doesn’t get how to use the multi-mode sync setting.

Say you want to create access to all possible variations for a one shot at the same time: filter, pitch and envelope. Level is not an option, since the midi velocity overrules level. And you use a one shot, so I assume that all slices are full length anyway and no loops are used.

You will need to assign the same one shot to 3 tracks (of 32) and set them up (with sync enabled) to mimic the regular modes. This still would use only 1 voice (of 16), since the different slices/pads would need to choke each other.

Setup the 1st for 8 different filter settings, the 2nd for 8 different pitch settings and the 3rd for 8 different env settings. You would still need to set the sync setting to ‘on’, that is why I said ‘mimic the regular modes’.

So now you would need 27 midi keys to trigger 24 different variations.

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@syah71: Contrary to your comment, I do fully understand how multi-mode sync works…

Also, there is an option under ‘Sync’ to ignore midi velocity and instead use the track’s level. This makes me believe you do not understand how midi works. See how productive that type of comment is?

And yes, you could do it the way you describe (load one-shots on separate tracks). You could also load up individual one-shots of each slice in different tracks and trigger them that way. At some point, the developer said, “hey, it would be a lot easier to set those 8 slices up and trigger them from one track using different midi notes.” This is the same functionality that I am looking for in multi-sync pads.

This post is under “feature request.” I have made my feature request. Thanks for a great welcome to this community.

@syah71: I am trying exactly what you suggest as we speak. When a track is in Slice/Notes mode, it will NOT trigger the different filter, pitch, and envelope settings of the multi-mode sync for that track. It simply triggers a slice of that sample (regardless whether that sample has slices set up or not). Maybe my machine works differently, but you keep saying that midi notes will trigger the different multi-mode sync setups on a track. Have you tried this? It does not work on my machine.

It should do, you need to enable multi-mode sync on each multi. I have it set-up on high hats on a project i’m currently working on, each slice has the same sound but with different filters and envelopes.

With mm sync enabled, the pitch you set in pitch mode should be the pitch you hear in slice mode, and so on. However, I recently encountered a bug that forced me to re-open the project for a change to take effect - it only happened once.

@vanderwoudeandy There is no such thing as slices being “not set up”. There are 9 slices and their start and end points are always set to something. As has already been stated, to do what you want, set all of the starts to the beginning of the sample, and all of the ends to the end of the sample.

I am at this moment testing note-per-slice with all slices the same and multi-sync pitch on. It works as expected. IIRC, Alex Ball does exactly this in one of the tutorial videos.

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@project95 : Your bug comment prompted me to duplicate my project, remove the samples, and re-set everything up. It now appears to work! I now have one project where it does not work and one project where it does work. Good news is that I can now reproduce what you are recommending. Sorry for any confusion I may have caused.

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Thank you for being all over the place in this thread… I give you half an hour of my life by setting something up to test all your assumptions. For something I will never use. And you kept saying that it did not work, while it did… So yeah… what more can I say?

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be nice guys, this isn’t Gearspace :rofl: :pray:t3:


In my defense (small), it didn’t work and still doesn’t in my original project. It definitely sucked me down the wrong direction-- my apologies for for all the confusion and time spent.