My S2400 request collection

  • still a bid confused by overlapping midi settings in TRACK SETTINGS and SYNC - does anybody else get confused by this?

  • it would be great, if we could turn off auto recognition of incoming midi notes/channels. By this an external drum pattern or sequence could be received and would not switch all pads/tracks to the same note/channel all the time, but you could set the values you want without having to stop the external sequence or to leave edit menu on S2400 for setting another pad each time etc etc. Just a simple option to turn auto note/channel recognition off would help.

  • round robin : custom number of slices

  • round robin alternate method: not one loop sliced, but the 8 pads in multi are 8 sample slots for one track. So you could load 8 different versions of a sample (or 8 totally different samples or…) on the 8 pads and round robin through them

  • normalize does not alwayys seem to work. Sometimes i normalize bzut the sample does not get louder,
    although clearly low volume

  • simpler and better use of COPY+PAD. Quoting user “panelist”: “Copying could generally be more contextual since everyone has different needs. From pattern mode it could copy everything, from settings mode it could copy track settings, from step program mode it could copy sequencer events”


With you on this. There are elements of the break like the crash symbol that don’t work so good with round robin, it would be handy to exclude them.

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