Round Robin

Is it possible to use Round Robin with Sample Pitch or any of the other multi’s or combination of multi’s? Or is it strictly limited to the slice multi? Thanks!

I have not tried this yet, but what happens when you sync all params and only change the param you want randomized? So, all slices have the same settings (use copy-pad-pad), same for the others, except for for instance the pitch.

Isn’t that what you try to achieve?

that is what I was wanting, and a great suggestion, thanks!

Did you get it to work?

I think you still should set it up first and then after that record your sequence. I was trying to change the loop points in multislice mode and had to rerecord the sequence to hear my changes. So I think that the SP-12 philosophy also applies here (every aspect is captured in the sequence).

Don’t know if trying to randomize pitch/level/env can work, since all this info is captured in the sequence already…