Pad Sequencing Issue

Hello all,

I have two questions about the triggering and recording of the samples via the pads.

First and most frustrating is when I initially record a pattern using the pads, say a Multi Pitch of A1, it’s fine and plays back how I recorded it.

However, as I start to layer other pads into the pattern, say A2 etc, the new recorded pads interfere with the pattern on A1. This just happened to me as I was recording a kick over a bassline.

I thought it might have something to do with choke groups but those are not turned on. Strange thing is that it seems to also happen on playback of the pattern only sometimes? I hit play pattern 1, plays normally, I chain it to pattern 2, certain pads drop out or don’t trigger.

My second question has to do with lag on the triggering of pads? I’ve encountered this when I’ve attempted to record a quick and articulate hihat roll for example, and the playback is different from what I played. First time this happened I assumed it was quantization, until I turned up the quantize resolution and it kept behaving the same way. Sometimes it seems to be as blatant as me tapping a pad and the trigger happens at a noticeable latency.

Please someone help. I want to use this for songwriting and it gets me so inspired, it pains me when just as I start to get into the groove, the samples start triggering unpredictability.



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I’ll add that this is on the October 2023 firmware, all pads are set to “Hifi” 16 bit and most pads are gated, I tend to hold pads when I want the sample to play out.

Any ideas? I hope this is just me doing something stupid.

1st one I’m not sure.
As for the Second One. Are some of your Samples long-ish? I believe when they hit a certain size, they then get Read from the SD Card. I I was on a SD Card with 160mb/s Read Speeds and when playing some beats out, it would basically hiccup, or lag/stutter. Basically just not play the samples when it was supposed to. Today I played the beat I usually have problems with and it didn’t happen, but I got a new SDCard after in the mail and moved all my projects to it. If you don’t cut down the samples, and they exceed a size, then latency can happen. It’s not a minor latency either, you will know… It’s not super frequent so hopefully this one card works well. I don’t usually use long samples so I’m pretty sure it was just the project I was working on.