Just got the S2400 a few days ago. Really want to love this thing but the random clicks and pops are way too real. Clicks and pops all over the place even after I converted my files to 48kHz and 16 bits. Converting the files did help decreased the pops and clicks but they are still present and seem to be most prominent at the beginning of sample playback especially when samples are stacked in the sequence. Fixing this needs to be a major priority for the next update. From what I’ve read, this seems to have been an issue since the unit launched and it still hasn’t been fixed. Just wondering if this is going to be addressed in a hopefully coming soon update. I have way too many samplers and none of them cost as much as the S2400 and yet none of them alias the audio with clicks and pops regardless of the sample rate and bit depth of the file I use. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE FIX THIS!!
I think the slice points can help, basically shorten the sample a bit and then put a very short release on it. I’d had the issue, especially with choke groups on HH/OH, but haven’t encountered it anytime in recent memory. The learning curve and required creative workarounds are a thing with this box. Good luck.
Have you tried F5 when editing samples to “snap to zero crossing”. It will definitely help if you have clicks a the start of samples. I use envelopes to help with clicks or pops at end of samples but F5 can help with that as well. If you have already tried this, then disregard what I just said. I have to say, I very rarely have any clicks or pops issues with the S2400 and I use samples dating back 35 years sometimes that were original sampled and edited in my SP1200 and MPC60 etc. Multiple bit rates and sample rates. The F5 trick with envelopes tends to work.
I have both very old and new samples at varying sample rates that I’ve loaded into my SD card. I’ve not had any problems with my unit as you’ve described. When playing with start/end times or chopping up a sample clicks/pops can occur, which is why the S2400 provides a snap to zero-crossing function and envelopes.
If none of those things help and you suspect your machine might be faulty somehow, I’d reach out to Isla support directly for help.
Appreciate the response. Definitely have tried F5 to snap to zero crossing but it’s not a pop from the slice point because even if I add an extra long attack to the sample chops it will still make the pop/click at the beginning of the sample upon playback. Same with the release but with the way I laid my samples, they don’t even make it to the release point before getting cut off by the next multi so not sure why the release would affect it in that way. These are samples from my SD card and they are not being sampled directly in. Resampled at 45 rpm within the machine. It happened again last night after I laid a few samples on top of each other and it seems to get more pronounced the more samples I stack.
Yeah. I tried all that. None of it is working. Snap to Zero, change slice point, attacks, release, sample rate, bit depth. I’m pretty sure I’ve tried everything I can think of and I’m not really a newbie when it comes to samplers and chopping samples. I’ll just have to hit up support I guess.
I’m glad you haven’t had any of the issues I’ve described but I’ve read a good amount of other threads where people are having this exact same issue on their unit so maybe it is unit specific. Have tried Snap to Zero, changing slice points, attacks, release. None of it is working. I kind of know what I’m doing with this stuff so I’m pretty sure this issue isn’t user error but if you can think of any reason outside of everything I’ve tried then I’d love to hear it.
I should also mention that this doesn’t happen at the beginning of the same sample every time. It happened randomly at the beginning of different samples upon playback but it’s guaranteed to happen through the sequence somewhere upon every repeat.
I should also add that all samples are playing back in multimode. And pops and clicks don’t seem to occur until I layer a third sample/multi on top of the first 2 samples/multi’s. I can mute down any of the tracks that are playing back and the pops and clicks reduce significantly when I get down to only 2 samples playing back and it doesn’t matter which of the 2 samples are playing back at the same time but whenever I add in a third sample/multi on top of the other 2 then the clicks and pops start happening extremely heavy. I’m assuming it has something to do with how the different sample multi’s are interacting with each other. These pops and clicks are at random as well. These pops and clicks are not set at any specific point of sample/multi playback but always happen at the beginning of sample/multi playback at random.
Can you share 3 of those samples that are giving you problems?
I would like to check. Or a project with those samples… to check your settings would be better
Of course. Would you like the projects or individual files?
The project would be great.
I’m not Isla worker, but would like to check what is going on. It got me intrigued.
I’m sorry to hear mate. I hope you get it resolved.
So I looked at your projects. When in multimode slice when I cut one pad with other not waiting for the first one to finish I get random clicks depending where I cut the first. IMO This should not happen in a sampler.
It happens with my samples too. I checked. I guess there must be a bug, this is not happening with the MPC for example, and does not happen with two different samples in different pads, only in multimode (I tried loop/slice and pitch and was happening in both).
I haven’t had the need to layer various multimode pads. Soloing each pad I could clearly hear the problem too. Maybe we should open a ticket about this.
It is 4am here in spain. Will check layering multis tomorrow.
Yeah. Thanks for confirming!! I have way too many samplers and have never experienced this behavior before either and slicing a sample in the mpc and creating a drum group from it in essence is the same concept as multimode and I’ve never had that happen on the MPC. I created a ticket earlier today. They said they’ll get back to me tomorrow.
Are you doing the cuts at zero crossing points?
Also please note: the ticket system is for hardware issues only - for firmware bugs, please use the bug reports forum.
Yes. All the cuts where rechecked in Lofi_Lee’s projects and in my own samples too. The click is not at the beginning or end of a sample, it happens only in multi mode and is happening when you cut a pad with other one in different positions.
About the ticket, that’s what I meant. Opening a bug report.
OK, thanks for the clarification - if it’s a bug, let’s get it squashed
I don’t want to dirty the pot , so to speak. But I posted about this and somebody pointed me to a thread about slice points moving when exiting the editor.
Indeed while I was in the editor there were no clicks or pops , then as soon as I exited I’d get them.
That said , I haven’t had them for a while now , and yes they were all F5’d to zero cross