Clicks and Pops in Multimode

I am getting clicks and pops in multimode when one multi cuts off another and when stacking groups of multi’s. Have tried snapping to 0, playing with envelope settings, converting sample rate and bit depth to optimal format and nothing is getting rid of these clicks and pops. The click is not at the beginning or end of a sample, it happens only in multi mode and is happening when you cut a pad with other one in different positions. Also seems to increase when stacking more than 2 multimode samples in a sequence. Sent a couple projects to another user from this forum and they have confirmed that they are also getting the clicks and pops from both my samples in the projects as well as their own samples in multimode when cutting off one multi with another.


As commented by Lofi_Lee and also in the other post, I also can replicate this problem.


Also, it is more noticeable in melodic samples with no drums obviously.


Same problem here… That’s really annoying. The Sample itself sounds fine, but when playing slices in multi mode that cut each other it clicks, just like when you slice it at the wrong point.

I think the problem is that the sample IS sliced at the wrong point at that moment and there’s nothing a firmware update could fix.

I hope I’m wrong and there’s a fix in the next update, but I don’t think it’s possible.

Yeah. Super annoying. I would assume that implementing some kind of minor cross-fade between sample slices would help the issue. I’m also thinking it could be a CPU or RAM thing which I don’t think a cross-fade would help in that case. I’ve just been using RX11 in post to get rid of the pops and clicks.

Yeah, it doesn’t sound like the normal slicing clicks, it sounds more like latency spikes on an PC. So it could be a CPU problem, but it seems like the clicks are always at the same points, when one slice cuts the other, which won’t happen that way if it’s CPU problem.

RX 11 is an option, but it’s pretty annoying while producing. I’m wondering why (nearly) nobody else has these problems? It’s quite deal breaking for me…

I had the same issue with a project. I was thinking of adding a record static effect post-production, but I scrapped the project.

not sure about this, are you using zero crossing when cutting your samples? it doesn’t sound like it.

Yeah, I always use zero-crossing.

Yes, I do.

Yeah, it’s extremely annoying while producing. I honestly didn’t even use my S2400 for a good 2 to 3 months after getting it because those pops and clicks were so annoying. And I was wondering why it wasn’t being talked about more as well. I’ve been using the S2400 more than any other machine lately though so I’ve reluctantly learned to overlook the pops and clicks in the producing stage but I dream of the day that I don’t have to overlook them anymore because they don’t exist.

I always snap both ends to 0 on all slices as well.

Yes, it is tested. I also made sure to have all points in multimode at 0-crossing. And the slices by themselves don’t click. It’s happening when you hit the pads cutting one with the other, this is not happening in any of the other gazillion samplers I got, which I ditched in favor of the s2400 because I love it.

if you could post a video clearly demonstrating what you are experiencing, that would help.

I’ll try to do one this weekend when I got time to make some music.