Think I may have misunderstood, but looks like even with most recent changes to Live Loops there is no way to get 16 loops. You can dedicate memory for both banks C & D now, but that will still only give you a total of 8 Live Loops albeit with more memory/ longer duration.
If I’m wrong, I still can’t figure out how to access a single bank of 8 Live Loops.
Eight loops is the max indeed. This has to do with polyphony. The s24 can handle 16 stereo sample tracks and 8 stereo looper tracks. So, 48 simultaneous audio tracks. This is already double the initially designed amount of tracks (8 stereo sample tracks plus 8 mono looper tracks). And I often can hear the sampler struggling, because of temporary overloads… so in my opinion it would be wise to not expand even further than this.
I often can hear the sampler struggling, because of temporary overloads…
Yeah. If I trigger more than about 14 looping samples near 2MB each on some projects I get a fatal crash and it starts to sound insane and become completely unresponsive to all but a hard power cycle.
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