Hi there! New owner searching for tips

I’m really excited for my new unit. I have a fairly extensive collection of synths and samplers in my studio, and I’m finally getting my S2400. I used to play with an SP1200 at work in the 80s, and I plan to sample a lot of stuff in the classic mode so I can get some gritty lofi industrial/EBM percussion.

I’m curious what I should have ready to make the most of my S2400. Does it come with an SD card, or should I buy one for it? Any particular specs? Is USB a better way to go for transferring samples? What do I need to know before my box gets to me? I hope my unit ships soon!

It’s really easy to drag and drop samples in WAV form into the S2400. You can make folders as well and they’ll be sorted properly when you use the unit after you finish copying and pasting and closing out of the USB connection.

I moved a ton of native instruments drum samples this way and sold my maschine because I didn’t need it anymore. I can still access the native instruments library though, so if I want to continue using those samples I can.

Theres several ways to sample synths, you can use the actual sampler, you can use live recording, or as I’ve done with lots of my moog Minitaur presets, record a C long playing note, bounce to wav, then drag into a fresh folder on the S2400 while in USB mode.

Once the DSP card comes out this unit will be unstoppable.


Thanks for that! I just moved some of my iPhone voice memos to the SD card and found I needed to batch convert them to be playable on the S2400. I loaded some up, but now I have an issue. They only play out the S2400’s left audio channel in both the analog outs and the USB out. The weird thing is that they play in both channels of the headphone out. Many other samples seem to play fine when I load them. The iPhone files are all mono, 48k. I’m even left scratching my head after watching the Alex Ball tutorials.

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