Newbie Question

Whats up all,
First and foremost, I apologize for what may be stupid questions…

I made an impulse purchase and jumped on with the preorder pricing. I figured it was too good an offer to pass up on, but the more I browse the board and watch the vids I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew.

I’ve been playing around with sampling and making beats, on and off, for a few years just as a hobby and to do something creative. I’ve used mostly PC based stuff like reason and recently the Maschine Mk3. Loving the sound of the SP1200 I decided to jump on this without having much experience.

My questions really surround what I am going to need to get this thing up and running. I have some monitors on the way (Yamaha HS5); I have a turntable; an old midi keyboard (Akai MPK-49); a new Apple Macbook Pro; and the Maschine Mk3 (I don’t really like the work flow, yet).

I’m assuming I am going to need an audio interface. Any recommendations?

Will I be able to use the Maschine MK3 and the software with the 2400?

Never owning or using a piece of hardware, I am unsure about how to actually lay down a full track- so any insight would be appreciated.



Hi @Faq02001, nice to have you with us.

I too have been using Maschine for several years, and have used other hardware for a long time, but this is basically my first HW sampler as well.

Sounds like you’re pretty well set up to use the S2400.

The USB port can stream 8 channels of audio, so an interface is not absolutely required to record sounds to your computer. Just know that the USB Audio bypasses the analog SSI filters on the hardware outputs.

Those output filters apparently lend a good deal to the character of the sound, which you won’t get with USB audio. However, you could connect the S2400 1/4" outputs to your Maschine MK3 controller’s line inputs, which will work as a pretty good 2 channel interface.

Eventually you may want to multi-track individual 1/4" outputs at the same time, rather than recording the grouped sounds from the main stereo out, or soloing and recording each track separately from any of the outputs. For that you’ll need an interface with multiple inputs. I suggest taking a look at Focusrite audio interfaces, but there are many good options.

For now you might just focus on learning what the hardware can do on its own (I know I will be!) and then think about how you want to incorporate your software. There are many ways to go about it, perhaps the best thing to do is follow your intuition. With time and practice you suss out what works best for you and develop your own methods of production. There are no hard rules, only discovery and building up your knowledge and understanding!


Awesome thank you so much!

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It really depends on your budget but I do recommend a RME possibly a UC just due to the stable drivers and continued support. RME is a bit expensive though and some recommend the Focusrite or Presonus… though I haven’t tried either. An other option is the Tascam Model 12 or 16.

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I’ve used Tascam, Steinberg and Focusrite interfaces in my home setup. Focusrite is by far the best of those 3. I’ve used UAD in another home studio and it absolutely blows everything I’ve personally owned away, no contest.


Yeah by the time you hit RME, UAD and Apogee you really are talking a different level of quality. I can speak from recent experience avoid MOTU as an interface. I got the 828 ES and feature wise it was perfect but their software is a mess. I have a lot of experience in the studio and it was the worst user experience I’ve had, this was on a Mac which has fewer issues with drivers than PCs do and I couldn’t get the audio to work properly at all. I had to send it back. I picked up a second hand RME UFX for the same price.

The thing that drives me crazy about the Focusrites is they don’t allow for easy chaining. You’d need to use up a port per device if you required more than 1 which I do.


Also a “newbie” here when it comes to hardware samplers…well, had them before but never really knew what I was doing…

When it comes to the UAD apollo interfaces.

Am I right in thinking “Sound quality” wise there are no differences between one or another, but just DSP power and extra features and I/Os?

Like the tiny new apollo solo, is there any sound quality difference between that and the super expensive apollo x16?

Also, regarding I/Os

I will be wanting to plug my monitors in and the s2400, nothing else.

The solo has 2 outs and the twin has 4.

Am I right in thinking that the s2400 goes into the input line on the front (guitar symbol) and only in mono?

Is there a way to record in stereo on either the solo or the twin?

Last but not least, if anyone could recommend how i proceed.

The apollo solo or the apollo twin?

As i said ill just be hooking up a pair of monitors and the s2400.

Preferably with the option of recording in stereo.

Thanks in advance.

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Just a comment about RME fireface UC. I have been using one for 6 years now. Very very good overall, the only negative point is its size (half rack). It depends on the budget of course but I would recommend to get a full size soundcard. I don’t really like mini connectors.


The audio quality of an interface can be judged by the combination of its preamps and converters. Manufacturers outsource their AD/DA converters from a hand full of companies. Those converters may share similar components, but that does not make them all equal. Manufacturers also offer different preamp topologies that are unique to their brand and product line(s)/generations.

Specs for the preamps such as dynamic range, THD, cross-talk, etc. are generally published by the manufacturer, which can help differentiate them. Converters not so much, as that area tends to be more of a black box. Of course the sample rate and bit depth options will be indicated, and therefor able to be compared, but some specs like clock jitter may not always be available.

The specs on the Solo do differ from the flagship x16, as well as other entries in the Apollo line. I think the UA’s interfaces all share the same preamp topology, input connection type not withstanding, but their converters differ slightly across the line. This is evident in the marketing jargon as well as the specified dynamic range.

The rack units are stated as having 129 dB of dynamic range except for the x16 which has 133 dB. Twin X and x4 have 127 dB, but I don’t see the spec for the Solo/Solo USB. Probably in the manual if you dig, they just are’t advertising it.

Generally these differences are minor, and all the Apollo interfaces are among the best available.

Yes, the Solo can record a stereo pair or up to two mono channels. It has 2 channels of input and 4 of output: Two combination mic/line balanced inputs and 2 balanced 1/4" outputs on the back plus the stereo headphone jack on the front. The HI-Z instrument input (guitar symbol) on the front is normaled to input channel 1.

Whether recording stereo or mono from the S2400, you would typically want to use unbalanced TS cables plugged into the 1/4" rear inputs. That would present the simplest and cleanest signal to the converter.

It is possible to use the 1/4" HI-Z input, or to connect balanced TRS male to XLR male cables to the XLR mic inputs if you want to take advantage of the Unison preamp technology when combined with a compatible plugin. However the signal will still be unbalanced (which may not always be desirable) and careful attention to gain staging is required to achieve the desired saturation characteristic without clipping the input.

Whether you decide togo with the Twin X or Solo will depend on your budget and needs.

Some things to consider:

A Solo could be great for a stripped down live or 2 channel mobile rig, but if you link inputs 1-2 as a stereo pair and put a Unison preamp plugin on it you’d run out of DSP pretty quick. Might have only enough remaining DSP for one more stereo insert plugin while tracking, like tape emulation or compressor. Additional UAD processing can be applied at the mixing stage once the audio is tracked and the Unison/insert plugins are disabled.

A Twin X would allow for expansion via Optical input and has more DSP, but it’s (more than?) twice the price. You’ll still have to manage DSP resources at some point, whether tracking or mixing with UAD plugins. (Its easy to get carried away.)

The Twin also has more options for routing outputs. For example, you could use Outs 3-4 to sample from your computer through the S2400’s inputs with anti-aliasing filters, or because they are DC coupled, send CV generated in a DAW to a piece of external gear.

I tend to prefer rack mounted interfaces because of the way I’ve routed my studio but for those of you who are just going to record the S2400 and have basically direct monitoring out, I’d almost think something like the Tascam Model 12 would be more ideal. For the price you can have an interface or a mixer and record to the mixer instead of a daw if you wanted. Plus you can have direct monitoring out and be able to add a pedal or two for effects sends not to mention the onboard effects. Just something to consider.

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This is great and welcome @Faq02001 and shouts to all. It’s great to have folks sharing on here!

You have not bitten off too much at all :surfing_man: :mechanical_arm:

You can do it!

You already have monitors coming! That’s awesome! You have a mac too, that’s a big hurdle to check off! It was daunting for me to imagine all of the pieces, but over time, you fill things in. I still haven’t married to any software at all and have to cross that bridge. But getting a nice NVMe was something I had to save for too.

Just save for a good sound interface now. You can work with just the S24 and a pair of headphones. And don’t forget, you can attach the S24 to your mac via usb and it does audio over USB! I think this is such a cool feature!

The Tascam mixer/interface is an appealing new offering that appears to be very flexible, but is new.

I’d just get an SD card, cables, and enjoy! You’re really farther along than you think!

Cheers all! :rocket:


Thanks to everyone for their input and thoughts. It does feel a bit daunting to get the gear. This is going to be an interesting journey. I hope to be able to create some stuff and share it up here.

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Wow I just fell in love with the Tascam Model 12. :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


@Faq02001 mate I think you absolutely took a bite of the right piece of hardware !


I seriously considered Model 12 or 16 to run my S2400 into so I could use all the outputs on the S2400 more easily. I just simply really don’t have enough room for a mixer at the moment. But they really can add a level of hands on functionality that can be a lot more fun and creative than using a racked interface imo.

Been using an aging, crackly :(, Mackie VLZ 24ch (my first was a 16ch) + cheapy 2i2 ever since I started… so I was considering a newer USB mixer with DAW integration, multi-tracking abilities, etc.

I was highly attracted to that new Tascam Model 24 (I think only for its’ looks, wood sides and brand name, lol). But, the more I researched about it, it lacks a lot that my old Mackie has… specifically, it doesn’t have many aux sends. I love/need many aux sends for all my hardware fx racks.

Another option is the Soundcraft Sig 22MTK. Still only 5 aux sends tho (Mackie has 6).

That is for sure. I was looking at the Model 12-24 and from what I can tell it sounds good and ticks most of the boxes but not all. This seems common when dealing with most mixers under 1,000, you have to put up with trade offs, the question is which ones?

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Have a question, seems like a newbie thing to ask so this seems like the place to ask it.


Is there a way to have the s2400 (or any sampler for that matter) hooked up to my daw (Ableton) and have all 8 tracks from the s2400 playing into Ableton in their own tracks with the ability of using plugins on them on the fly (without recording but just playing the s2400 live)?

This would be huge for me if the answer was yes…the ability to use a tuner and analyzer would be extremely helpful…

But just in general…it would be fucking ace

The ideal way i would work would most likely get a beat together on the s2400 then have it hooked up with my daw and apply plugins and all the rest of it, and then when im happy with it record it in (still dry/no plugins obviously from the s2400) then just put the same plugins i had on the corresponding recorded in tracks.

Is this possible ?

Yes it is possible via USB or an interface. I plan to have all 8 outs assigned to 8 of my channels running into Ableton.

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I was wondering this as well as I am currently using the Maschine. So I will still get the classic sound from the 2400, but then I can use the effects from NI?

I started looking at what outboard effects I should get in the event we dont have effects in the 2400.