Feature Requests pt.1

Hi, I hope some of these will be of interest to other users and more importantly the Isla team.

1. Having the ability to store and load individual Banks would be incredibly useful and time saving.
The current SAVE KIT function is a little counter intuitive, it seems to be a Program without sequencer data.
In my mind, a saved KIT feels as though it should be a single BANK of samples and parameters, not all of them!
Allowing for the s2400 to load saved Banks into projects without replacing the entire sample memory for that project would be a great and time saving feature.
Having the option to assign these saved KITS (bank of samples) from the SD card to a specific BANK of your choice is much needed.
For example, I could build an 8 sample drum kit within Bank A. This would include an 808 kick, snare, hi-hat, open hi-hat, rim, toms, shaker, cymbal. This drum kit fits perfectly in one bank (most classic drum machines would) and being able to save it as “808 Kit” means I can reload it in any project i’m working on and assign it to an available bank without overwriting the work i’ve been doing in other BANKS.

2. Sample memory to be loaded per pattern instead of per project only:
Having 99 patterns of the same set of samples seems excessive, I don’t see any situation in which that many patterns with the exact same samples loaded would be useful or necessary. However, if there was the possibility of loading various Banks of samples and saving them to various patterns of the same Project, that would be useful.
It would allow a user to fit many banks of various samples with their respective routing settings into one project and perform without stopping the sequencer to change sample kits. I wouldn’t mind some silence during samples load when changing patterns as much as I mind needing to stop the sequencer to load another project. When working with other tempo synced instruments, its preferable not to have to stop and restart sequencers. Saving without having to stop the sequencer would also be quite convenient if achievable.

3. Quickly double tapping or long pressing the TAP/REPEAT button to activate and latch the Rolls/Note Repeats would be a useful one handed feature. Giving Note repeat its own scale/quantize (not linked to the global one) and being able to control the rate using with the F keys for example, would be a very useful performance tool.

4. With regards to the display in the main window, could the current second row (with pattern number, number of bars and bpm) move up to the top of the screen?
We don’t need to know twice what pattern we’re in.
Having the ability to replace the top “Pattern #” to a named song section like intro/verse/etc… would be helpful (already the case?)
Having the ability to replace “Bank” with custom name would also help.
If all text is moved up by one row, there is an available row to name individual tracks with at least 2 character (for example KD/SD/HH/etc…)

5. Here is my idea for a “Mixer mode” or “Bus mode”:

  • Fader 1 - 4 represent master level for the whole of Banks A - D

  • Fader 5 - 8 represent any mapped CC parameters for the MIDI instruments in each Bank from E - H (faders would control MIDI CC7 by default for external instrument’s volume)

  • Filters can be programmed to be high pass using lower concentric knob and low pass using higher concentric knob. (2x Q adjustable in SHIFT+B menu)

  • having the possibility to chose between trigger mute or audio mute. For audio mute, it would be convenient to be able to select whether the mute/fader pre or post DSP FX

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Pitch bend samples via midi controller


midi tuning standard (mts) support for microtonal music

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