Feature request, fx global control

Maybe this exists, if so please let me know. This is something I love to do, globally control all filters at once, or all envelopes, all pitch, for ALL sounds at once.

So if I go to “global + filter” its going to filter down every sound, and then I can choose to un-latch my kick for example…

Thoughts on, if this is possible, is this in the works?

appreciate the feedback & cant wait for my DSP card :smiley:

The suggestion remimds me of mucking around with dsi tempest. You could get some great sounds out of messing with decay, pitch and repeating of everything. I am excited about dsp card…

It’s a very good feature, especially for live performance. I used to do this a lot on my MPC 4000 - you can select ‘all’ when adjusting any parameter - filter, envelope, pitch etc. You can also do it on the Digitakt, and I think on the Digitakt 2 you can exclude sounds from the ‘all’ feature, for example you might want to adjust everything except the kick.

So I’m +1 for this feature if it’s easy to implement.

I often do this with drum groups on my mc707.
Cool thing there is they can have all different filters for each drum and you can adjust the offsets for each filter in relation to the main drum group filter control.
The depth of control on the mc707 goes extremely deep if you like doing that sort of thing.

Lots of happy accidents