Fader not zeroing out

I was on the March 2023 update for a long time and finally decided to update to the October 2023 update.

Upon doing that it seemed that the fader behavior had changed, specifically for faders 1 and 8 when setting start and end points of a sample within the graphical view (Loop/ Slice then press B). I wasn’t able to zero out either of those and would have to either use the finer fader (fader 2 or fader 7) to get it to 0 (or the max value for the end point). Or I’d use the Select knob to do the same thing.

I thought maybe my faders needed recalibrating or something as I didn’t have the issue before the update. Tried looking to see if there was some calibration on the device and it doesn’t seem like there is one. Then I tried loading up the previous firmware, but without trying too hard I could only find the April 2023 update so I went with that one and had the same issue. So I reverted back to the Oct 2023 update and was still having the issue.

But… now all of a sudden it appears to be working after doing a power cycle and I have no idea what would have caused it to stop working correctly and now suddenly start working when I’ve been experiencing the issue (and choosing to deal with it in lieu of making music instead) for several weeks now.

Is it potentially a hardware fault? Seems weird that I would only notice it on the maximum and minimum parameters when changing. Seems weirder that it fixed itself the moment I started writing a forum post too lol.

Actually, now that I’m looking at it I’m suspicious if maybe its because I didn’t have knobs 2 or 7 zero’d out that it wouldn’t allow me to zero out knobs 1 and 8? Perhaps that was the issue?

Pretty sure you identified the issue. I don’t have the unit in front of me to verify, but I’m pretty sure the first 3 and last 3 faders ALL need to be zeroed out to set the trim points to the beginning and end of the sample, respectively.