Sounds reasonable to me! Thanks for the quick reply, looking forward to order it from then!
In an older post, I did pre-suppose the flash would be delicate, best not write-cycled etc.
Indeed, I have no answer to “what then” - but in brutal honesty, half of the celebrity samples in there have nasty dc-offsets, the head and tail are not trimmed, if at all, so it’s pre-stylized. I know swing-factor is cool, but? That’s a software job. Then the single-cycle waveforms… eehh… Yes, it would be nice to prepare a basic set that were just that. But then resale value if the “5 limit” was done… to borrow from you, “then what” - agreed.
Perhaps just a plain-old, wipe option? Are you sure you don’t like our factory sounds? Ok.
Or a power-cycle counter that only allowed a wipe every 100 power-on? that would make anyone think first. I think the wind is leaving my sails on this one.
Thanks for responding to my prod about the stock stuff. Perhaps there’s a pea in my mattress, 9 down. I dunno. …
I think you make a fair point, it’s your device to do with what you wish.
I’ll get something released that allows you to re-write the flash, but with a disclaimer that you can cry me a river if your flash chip gives up!
Gimme a bit, we’re hammering away at DSP at the moment.
Thank you for acknowledging my point. I just bought a River-2000 high power tear pump with flash based controller. It operates once then stops. I’m Forewarned.
The DSP stuff is of-course way more exciting. Best of luck organising a good set of plugins. Looks fun. Thanks again for a response.
+1 for routable LFOs pleeeeeease
DSP update?
Yes I am working on it, I’m very sorry.
I am trying to juggle many different tasks.
I’m doing my best to get a video out on friday, and to be able to show LIVE (performance) FX mode is very exciting.
Thank you for your transparency! We all appreciate the work that goes in to this AND we want to see you WIN as a company. Thank you Brad and “Team ISLA!”
Psa: dsp update
@bradholland thanks for at least considering the aforementioned LFOs we desire. I know you guys have a lot on your plate and you haven’t said anything either way - still, thanks for hearing us out We all love this machine and something like this would make a ton of Techno heads and the like ecstatic, and really help knock it our of the park
Thanks for everything you guys do
In the new live-update video, the possibility for external sidechain compression Is mentioned.
I have found these developers “LSP Project Team”:
They have compressors which are capable of receiving input signal from external sources for ducking. E.g. this one:§ion=sc_compressor_stereo
The plug-ins are Linux based, and under system requirements, the following architectures are stated (among others):
- aarch64
- armv5t
- armv6-a
- armv7-ar
I have absolutely no knowledge about ARM-architechture, so I might be wrong, but through some Google-searching, I see aarch64 mentioned as beeing the same as arm64.
The arm64 is what I understand you @bradholland are mentioning as a necessity.
The above mentioned, and more information about how well-tested the plug-ins is with the different architectures can be found here:§ion=requirements
There are both LV2, Clap and VST versions of the plug-ins.
Also they are open source, as far as I can see.
Anyone with more a better understanding who can say something qualified?
It’s a good shout for sure, and you are correct about the architecture.
That said, those plugins do look to have too many parameters to be comfortable to use on the S2400.
I wonder if anyone knows the original creator of the blue lab plugins.
Their blue compressor had sidechain input and Ian Carey and myself used it on nearly every remix we ever did it was very basic to look at, but a wonderful sounding plugin.
dumping another URL I found here chock full of plugins, most of which ‘should’ be compatible with the S2400 DSP.
KXStudio : Repositories : Plugins
mainly for my own reference so I don’t forget the trove…
Really cool that you are focusing on LV2 plugins!
Our plugins should also work on your platform: Wasted Audio - Software
They are based on PD and the Heavy compiler (that was also mentioned in another topic).
Let me know if you need any help with porting
Btw since you also support VST3 and CLAP I’m assuming you are rolling your own plugin host?
@bradholland Just wondering if we receive a notification when the DSP card has been shipped?
Thank you to you & all the team for smashing this out, appreciated!
I found another compressor with external side chain-possibility.
Fewer parameters than the one I previously posted.
It turns up here and there when googling it, but it is a bit confusing for me finding information about it. The best I have found, which points in the direction of being workable for the machine is here:
It requires some further clicking to find the actual package to download though.
My knowledge on the technical aspects is too limited to tell which one could have potential under “Published versions” from the link.
The compressor is called “CS10QS-SC” and “CS10QM-SC” (stereo and mono). It is part of a bundle “EQ10Q” comprising several other plug-ins.
The GUIs can be seen here:
The mono-version looks like this: