DSP Plugins and stuff

Hey Everyone,

Just a little update for those of you reading.
The mass produced DSP cards are shipping to me on Aug 30th., we are still in heavy testing at the moment.
While that is happening, it’s time that I started to collate a list of plugins with download links etc and make it visible so that you can all start filling your cards up with crap the moment you get them. lolz.

I would GREATLY appreciate YOUR feedback, and suggestions for plugins that you might not see here that are ARM64/LINUX compatible, or maybe plan to be, so that we can check them out.
We are currently focussed on LV2 plugin format, although we can also run VST3 and CLAP but have only done limited testing with that. I’m sure we’ll know more down the line.

I’m sure that as everyone starts getting their cards that we’ll get plenty of feedback, and also the attention of other plugin developers that will be co-erced into targetting our platform.

I worry a little, from a legal standpoint, about just compiling freely available plugins (and there are MANY) and then bundling them on the card that I ship to you. I also don’t want to just bloat it out and overwhelm everybody with a bunch of useless shite.
That’s the main reason I am going to be presenting a curated list, along with easy to follow video content on how to get them onto your machine (it’s really just dragging and dropping).
Plugins have to make sense in the context of the S2400 platform. A plugin that has a million parameters just isn’t going to translate well. It will work, but it would probably be cumbersome to use.
I see compressors, EQs, Saturation, Filters, Delays, Reverbs etc being the most usefull to the S2400 but it’s an open book,

Live FX Mode
We are working with a very talented plugin developer, Artemiy Pavlov, founder of Sinevibes.
to create our own, ‘Performance FX’ plugin.
This plugin sits on the master output bus and has 8 ‘slots’ of which can be chained into each other or used in parallel.
Many times I have seen people using boxes like the SP404 to pull off these duties so to have them inside the box I hope will be very usefull.
Although essentially a plugin, it will be used somewhat differently on the machine as it will have its own dedicated ‘page’ which takes over control of the trigger pads, pots, sliders and A/B buttons to give control over some parameters of the liveFX.
Artemiy has also expressed interested in porting over some of hims Sinevibes repertoire… Exciting!

Virtual Instruments
Ok, while the S2400 is essentially capable of running virtual instruments as well as just effect plugins, we are not going to be developing much around that. for two main reasons.

  1. The UI doesn’t really lend itself to instrument plugins.
  2. That’s what Caladan is for.

With that said, what I am looking at is the possibility of having it being able to run 1 dedicated plugin instrument that allows the S2400 to playback polyphonic/mulitlayered samples. most likely SFZ format for which there is already lots of content.
This is NOT going to be ready at launch, but it’s a much requested feature to be able to playback multisamples.

Ok so let’s look at what plugins we have at our disposal right now.

Airwindows Package.

This is a fantastic and very usable suite of plugs which probably needs no introduction.
Navigating them can be a bit cumbersome, so we have organised them by plugin type inside the S2400.
The list of Airwindows plugins is too long to post here but there is a great site that gives you all the blurb on each plugin HERE:

MDA Plugins.
These are a classic suite of plugins developed by Paul Kellett that have since been adapted to work on ARM64 architecture.
Not all of them are relevant to the S2400 though.

Bandisto - Multi-band distortion
BeatBox - Drum replacer
Combo - Amp & speaker simulator
De-ess - High frequency dynamics processor
Degrade - Sample quality reduction
Delay - Simple stereo delay with feedback tone control
Detune - Simple up/down pitch shifting thickener
Dither - Range of dither types including noise shaping
DubDelay - Delay with feedback saturation and time/pitch modulation
Dynamics - Compressor / Limiter / Gate
Envelope - Envelope follower / VCA
Image - Stereo image adjustment and M-S matrix
Leslie - Rotary speaker simulator
Limiter - Opto-electronic style limiter
Loudness - Equal loudness contours for bass EQ and mix correction
Multiband - Multi-band compressor with M-S processing modes
Overdrive - Soft distortion
Re-Psycho! - Drum loop pitch changer
RezFilter - Resonant filter with LFO and envelope follower
Round Panner - 3D panner
Shepard - Continuously rising/falling tone generator
Splitter - Frequency / level crossover for setting up dynamic processing
Stereo Simulator - Haas delay and comb filtering
Sub-Bass Synthesizer - Several low frequency enhancement methods
Talkbox - High resolution vocoder
TestTone - Signal generator with pink and white noise, impulses and sweeps
Thru-Zero Flanger - Classic tape-flanging simulation
Tracker - Pitch tracking oscillator, or pitch tracking EQ
Vocoder - Switchable 8 or 16 band vocoder
VocInput - Pitch tracking oscillator for generating vocoder carrier input

I have been working my way through this HUGE list of plugins, and have only found one or two so far that don’t work.
Take a look here, there are hundreds. Many of these will be going into a niceley organised page.

Which leads me to mentioning a great hardware platform primarily aimed at guitarists called ‘Mod
I guess in many ways this is somewhat similar to what our card does.
It seems to have a great following of 3rd party developers also creating plugins for it, and the best bit about it, is that they seem to be compatible with our card!

There should also be a few bundled plugs for both the S2400 DSP and the Caladan from a couple of well known developers (other than sinevibes) but since we are not at the top of their to-do list I don’t want to push things too much, Especially not before the hardware is out.
… Let’s run before we can walk.

So please, have a look through the list, let me know your thoughts, if you are interested in developing/porting some of your own plugins, get in touch.
If there are some other awesome plugins that are potentially likely to be compatible, please let us know below!

It’s late, I’m going to bed, I’ll continue to edit and update this post tomorrow!
Big love!


Thank you for the update brother B. x


Thanks for the update, Brad. Even before thinking about plugins I’d say there would be a great deal of people who’d love to see the DSP used to add LFOs with multiple destinations (ideally including the forthcoming filter card).

Additionally, adding the ability to program probability to things like sample and slice selection and “note”/event on/off would wildly benefit the 2400

It’s added processing power so it only makes sense.
If that happens, I’m in for sure!


Hi Eric,
LFO to what destinations? As you can quite feasibly do that with plugins.

To the comment about probability and stuff. It’s not something I have particular interest in implementing. There are plenty of other machines that do such things and the s2400 is already pretty feature packed as it is.

I was thinking standard LFO destinations like filter cutoff, resonance, filter & amp amount (again ideally Including the filter card.
Kinda ala EMU 6400, etc.
sad face about no probability plans. I’d legit pay for a probability upgrade.
Anyhow, thanks for listening…it’s a great machine with so much potential with these cards!

Thanks for providing this list / links of plugins - In this selelction, there should already be something for everyone :slight_smile:
Regarding the Patchstorage site:
Is the “linux-amd64” or the “patchbox-os-arm32” download version here the correct format for the DSP card?

Those huge lists of plug ins is exciting.

And live mode sounds rad.

Good bye.

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Not those ones. The compatible ones are labelled ‘rpi-aarch64’

Brad, thanks for the update! The list of plugins you provided will be a great starting point for the DSP card’s utility and IMO probably provides what most people will want out the gate for FX.

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Thanks, I think so too.
Then as it all soaks in and everyone gets comfortable, I’m sure the ideas will start flowing for other fx types etc.


Very excited about the dsp card! The love fx option sounds great, as does the possible future plans for poly sample playback!

Thanks brad!

Need this. This is going to put a lot of talk to bed :sleeping_bed:t5:

I’ll take quality over quantity, and I’ll leave it to someone else to sort through the hundreds of potential plugins and provide a curated list of the top two or three plugins in each category.

I’d pay extra to license quality plugins. Being able to install some of the Valhalla reverbs would give me the tingles.


Ah ok, thanks for the info Brad!
I assume the compatible ones from Airwindows then are the “LinuxARMVST2s.zip for the Pi”?
(I´m really new to this Linux topic - just a old mac user here :wink:

I this so yes, however the Airwindows plugs are already on the DSP module when you get it.
No need to install those.


Thanks for compiling this list and including the organized Air windows plugins. I was wondering if the DSP mixer functionality and individual outputs can be used simultaneously or if it only works with the main outputs.

Yes individual outputs, now named ‘buses’ can have their own insert plugins and route out of the individual physical jacks on the back.
The new master bus also has it’s own inserts and of course the aux returns mixed in and goes out the physical mix out.


Great thanks for the breakdown!

Nice! :grinning: :ok_hand:

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The main draw for having FX in the S2400 as opposed to FX via my DAW and analog outputs would be to have a unique tactical workflow - i think Isla team know how to nail a good workflow in this machine, so im confident it will be special.

Whilst promise of loading an endless list of plugins, having a solid suite of plugins that just make sense for the S2400 workflow is more of a plus for me. Also SP404 style resampling would be sick.

The air windows list seem comprehensive enough. Keen to ensure there is some reverbs as well as delays. Eqs, compressors and chorus next priority.

Other than that i wouldnt even be that fussed if only Isla authorised plugins were made available.

Look forward to hearing and seeing more before purchased. But almost certainly will order this.