Delivery not until April 2021?

Come on man don’t be like that. He got his feedback and people explained why the wait and how long it had been for early adopters who had far less assurances about how good this was going to turn out. He explained he was venting and feeling better about the wait.


I ordered around the same time as you, i totally get the frustration but you gotta remember that this is a massively ambitious project for such a small company. On the plus side any bugs/ issues should be resolved when we get ours :smiling_imp:


The other upside is the OS should be further along.



on the front page where you purchased it is in heavy font explaining to you and others the situation, it is laid out in plain sight and is as clear as day and it says please do not order if you do not agree with the situation, you clicked buy, you gave agreement by doing that .

complaining now seems pointless, i get that you want a rant but here? really? is there nowhere else on the web you can do it?

you can easily cancel your order, that i am sure of, should you do that you could then wait until batch#1 and 2 are done and they are selling as they make, then you have no wait, no stress etc.

many firms may not take money up front but in this sort of crowdfunding exercise they do, simple as that.

Remember there are people who ponied up in 2019 summer time so this project could get off the ground

BTW Don’t get your hopes up about April, anything could happen to make it slip further.

happy new year :+1:

I ordered mine on May 2020. The wait has been a bit frustrating but at the same time I totally understand that Isla Instruments is not a major company like Akai or NI. Also, as others have already mentioned, the delay will get you a more updated unit which should be less prone to problems.

In my case I just reinstalled Maschine software and dusted off my Maschine Studio. This have kept my withdrawal to manageable levels. :sunglasses:


Buddy, your late the party. I have moved since the original post. And I responded with a thank you and an update as well, to let you all know its all good. Maybe next time, before you decide to lecture, demean, and scold someone, read a little bit more first. Then you would see that I have moved on and am okay with everything.

If you read my original post , I clearly explained my thought process regarding the timing of delivery etc…

Its too bad a moderator cant just close this thread, cuz its getting silly now with people like you jumping to conclutions etc…

I hope I clarified myself.


I didn’t jumped to any conclusions about you in my post. In fact, I actually share some of the frustration you have/had and I explained it clearly. Where I said “the delay will get YOU a more updated version” I was really talking in general terms including myself. I didn’t wrote anything remotely harsh towards yourself unlike some other responses you had.

Remember, this is a PUBLIC forum where “people like me” are allowed to post as long as I don’t offend anybody. Which I didn’t, Buddy.


I am terribly sorry. I thought I was responding to J.M.
My apologies. Please forgive me.
Have a good day, and happy new year!

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Im pretty sure I was responding the J.M. This thread semms to let u respond to someone, as well as post it below in chronologicol order, so it looks like you. Sorry abou that. Next time I will DM the person, like now. Take it easy.

No biggie. I hope our S2400’s will be on their way soon. Peace.

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there was no lecture, untwist those knickers sister

@parishbishop I’d not be holding your breath for it, I ordered mine in August 20 and just reached out today and been informed that delivery should be around May/June, so considering your until was ordered 6-8 weeks after mine I think you may have a longer wait than April.

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I ordered mine in May 2020. Fingers crossed…

I ordered mine in early March 2020.

If I receive mine in April I’m happy but I understood the shipment hasn’t left the customs yet so I might need to wait longer then that.



That didn’t take half as along as I thought it would.


:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Welcome aboard boat people!!!


Who better to test your units and critique them than those who have been in the Game and worked on all of the classics from MPC60, SP1200 and even older units like the DMX. I wish I would have known, I owned all of these units and a lot more and never cracked a manual. I beta test for Akai and Ableton currently and Native Instruments in the past.