Come on then, let's see your studios

:heart_eyes: Love the custom faders, what size do you need to order to ensure they fit?

Those are Chroma Caps from the DJ Tech Tools website. They are pretty much an universal fit for most gear. I got the gold because it also matches the Model 12 accents. I also got some blue ones with “rubbery” finish for my Rane One.

PS: I also been watching videos of those RNC compressors. They seem to be very good for the mix bus specially with the “super nice” function engaged. I’ve seen a couple of them at a good price on eBay.

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Hatred of the 3630 has become a meme. I would just ignore the noise and try it out for yourself. The 3630 features on Goldie’s Timeless album. Nuff said.

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I saw somewhere, can’t remember where exactly, that the Tascam Model 12 wasn’t compatible with the s2400. I can’t imagine why, but what is your experience with it? No issues?

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current state of affairs :crescent_moon:


No issues at all. It also works as a control software when I use Studio One.

The only thing is that tracks 7/8 and 9/10 are on the same channel. I wish at least 7/8 were separate channels/faders.

But the sound is great, recordings are 1:1, eq works well, even the FX are decent.

Oh nice. Thanks man!


+1 4 +8
that’s a tight setup you have there!

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I think I 've managed to get one “neo retro vintage minimalist powerhouse” here !

a maxed out Mac mini M2 pro 2023 linked to a 2002 behringer BCF 2000 …! who dared :rofl:


Just received my baby back from repairs (dead SHIFT button).

This is my 2nd attempt at making my own wood side panels. This time I borrowed a friends drill press for making the holes straight. I think the panels came out way better than the first ones I did. Added some gold washers on the screws for extra bling.

Currently cleaning and reorganizing the studio. Can’t wait to go back in action.


New 3ft balanced 8 channel snake for the S2400 and Model 12. Trying to cut down noise between components as much as possible. :nerd_face:



Love it.

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omg that wall :hushed:

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…Just bought a Roland Jupiter Xm second hand, really great gear !
anyone else have this synth next to the 2400 ?


Got a new rackmount cab, all that’s missing is a turntable


Tidy set up!

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Out of shot - DX7 & Prologue 16 :slight_smile:

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