Beautiful…my 2-penneth

Just got one…and don’t post anywhere but just had to here…in awe at how Brad and team got this beautiful instrument out…
…met an engineer from 1010Music recently as I use the blackbox as a portable in the rucksack sampler, and got a smattering from him of how challenging samplers are to design and manufacture…

Personally I have used Elektron rytm, Akai MPC One, Polyend Tracker, SP404, Smpltrek, Teenage KO133, even sequenced on Squarp Pyramid, yet when I started making samples and patterns with the s2400 I knew I’d finally found the one! …the feel, ease of muscle-memory…that sound…that UI…it’s perfect size, this is it! Left all the others feeling a bit uninspiring, though the Akai MPC that’s a nice tool, and blackbox well there’s nothing as powerful and much smaller for travel…

Ok I’m overdoing the emotion but this is such an inspiring machine, especially after lurking here for 12 months reading all the posts. Great community and awesome endeavour by ISLA!


I feel the same way.
Love this machine. It’s like a sp1200 and a mpc2500 had a baby.
I hope they keep there focus primarily on this instrument and maybe like 5-10 years down the line drop another one but with slightly upgraded parts(the sliders, maybe the encoder, even tho I have no issues personally), something like that and just keep them both supported on the same OS. I’m very happy with this instrument but if they did something like that, I would buy another. Can’t deny. It’s my only minor gripe, if even one really.
Thank You Brad and Team Isla.
I Appreciate you!
Great Instrument!


awww thank you! <3

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