Any upcoming updates internal midi-sequencer for external synths, automation, etc.?

Any info or upcoming updates on S2400’s internal midi-sequencer? …specifically for recording/sequencing and/or automating external synths, external analog-filters/fx & other external gear? (via an external kybd midi-controller) :crossed_fingers:

  • Recording/automating CCs, such as pitch wheel, mod wheel, etc. (smooth & non-stepped preferably)
  • Fix notes being cut-off upon each loop repetition (ie: being able to sustain notes longer than pattern/track length… good for song-mode, like for long strings, pads, etc.)
  • Lock Pad/Track during List-Mode/List-View in Step-Edit Mode (easier/faster to navigate thru & edit very many several patterns)

@bradholland :kissing_heart:
(I read, “…and stuff” in your other thread’s title & got prematurely excited, lol)


I will also re-iterate and mention that these features are very important to me. It’s not the first or the second time we are writing posts about these features on the forums.

@bradholland, can this please-please-please get noticed? Especially with the Caladan coming up (which I pre-ordered), I am sure a lots of people would need this big time.

P.S. the “stuff” also got me prematurely excited and hopeful

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i would also love this to be implemented + the ability to send prg. chng would be huge - that and pitchbend messages !

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Another +1 for this.

I ended up selling my 2400 a few months ago due to some unfortunate circumstances. I’m looking to buy a new unit but I’m not sure whether to just go for an MPC as midi sequencing is important to my creation process. I would much prefer a 2400!

I will probably sell mine too if there aren’t any updates on this. I bought it also because of midi sequencing, and I feel a little bit deceived by the company description of the product vs the real use.


Tbf… Brad did mention on GS iirc, that he plans to add automation and also improve the midi-sequencer (he said it’d require an Entire rewrite of the software, from the ground-up [tons of work I’d assume]); but, After release of Caladan.

I’m still unsure if that meant (he didn’t go into details about it):
A. Automation/Midi-Seq-Improvements for controlling the S2400 machine itself and its’ internal samples/features via ext-midi-kybd-controller.
B. Automation/Midi-Seq-Improvements for controlling External Synths/FX/Gear via ext-midi-kybd-controller.
C. Both and All of the above.

If I had to guess… it’d be C… since controlling/sequencing/automating is important for both of their products (S2400/samples and also Caladan/external-synth).

I feel ya… I’ve contemplated many times over the past few years whether to sell it and just get an X; or keep it (use it as an external 12bit sampler, like an S950 kinda) and get a cheaper One just for its’ sequencer (I don’t have the desk-space nor like the added complication/machines tho).

X sounds nice, a one and done centerpiece machine… but, it is also kinda too complex/daunting for me (it’s essentially a DAW already). Also, since I don’t have a 60 nor s950 anymore, and if I sold the S2400, I’d have no true 12-bit machine anymore :frowning: …so, for now, decided to keep the S2400 for its’ 12bit sound.

I really need to slide a midi note forward and back in the step sequencer without all the values going to 0 and the note not sounding. It’s unfortunately pushed me to switch to the MPC. :frowning: