S2400 + external sequencer

What are the pros and cons of using S2400 with an external MIDI sequencer like Squarp Hapax or Oxi One? Has anybody had any experience using both?

Did have the Hapax that i regretfully swapped for a Push 3 and then more happily swapped for a MPC 4k.

Whilst the S2400 sequencer is pretty capable ive personally preferred sequencing with the MPC 4k as it has more midi inputs and outputs amd deeper note editing features. The main benefit really is for sequencing melodic tracks and other hardware with the S2400 and i definitely recommend having a central sequencer for these duties. For which the S2400 is capable for and rock solid for timing. But again just not as deep as those other options.

Both the Hapax and MPC sequence the S2400 well. The Hapax is of course more modern and Ableton like. I still prefer the MPC for bread and butter sequencing and more so for arrangement. But the Hapax obviously wins for generative stiff. Its a great piece of kit tbh, really well designed and Squarp are a great company. Would def by again in the future.

Do not recommend the Push 3 standalone as a sequencer for the S2400. It failed miserably for me as the drum group i setup for the task regularly suffered from very poor latency and also clocking issues. It was the primary reason i got rid of it.

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I had weird midi problems with the Hapax and the 2400 where it would cut off the last bar. I sold the Hapax since that time so I cannot verify that it is still having an issue. Also, I was never sure if it was a problem with the 2400 or the Hapax (although I never had the issue with any other gear than the 2400).

Here is the thread on that issue: Live Looper cutting off last bar in new firmware [FIXED] - #30 by dnaflr

Thanks, this is very helpful. I use S2400 mostly in TR step mode and I’m looking for a way to make editing easier. The S2400 screen is tiny, so I thought adding a proper grid sequencer would make it more convenient.

Digging deeper into this, it looks like neither Hapax nor Oxi One support pattern-specific or song mode tempo changes, which is something that S2400 can do.

Speaking from experience with cirklon sequencer, you can easily do interesting randomisation stuff easily. Control cc’s easily such as the start time of a sample (great for longer samples). Patterns with different note lengths. Ease of editing existing patterns. Song mode via cirklon rather than s2400. Sequence other gear easily with many midi ports.

I sequence exclusively with cirklon but in past i used to love chopping and sequencing with og sp1200 in my loungeroom amoungst vinyl records rather than in studio with all the gear. Depends on what suits you as both good.

Maybe look into what the sequencer in question does that s2400 cant and decide.

Popping into this thread because I’ve been thinking about this a lot, and have just ordered a Torso T1 sequencer to try with the S2400.

For me, the S2400 is GREAT for doing relatively simple, one-shot-based beat sequencing. But if you want to sequence something more complex, especially if it includes longer audio files, it’s not so great. (Not a dig…it’s clearly just not designed for that.)

For example, the limitation that automation is really a snapshot of a trigger can be tough for me. This approach is totally fine when you’re using the sampler as intended, with short one-shot samples like drums and stabs, but when you have a 16-measure sample and can’t automate the filter throughout that 16 measures, it’s a little too limiting.

But hey, MIDI to the rescue! I’m excited to be able to create some more complex sequences with the INCREDIBLE sounding S2400! And dear god, when my DSP card arrives… :star_struck:

Edit: probably useful to know that I’m using the S2400 to go VERY far afield from hip-hop, including ambient, experimental, techno, and song-writing. Literally the ONLY piece of it that’s a bit tough to work with in some of those areas is the sequencer. This machine really is a champion. But you already knew that, didn’t you?

Recent possible obvious discovery for me. If you setup every S2400 track to be on separate midi channels, set mode to either pitch or slice (depending on nature of sample in track) and then setup with an external sequencer capable of automation, you can really play the S2400 in new ways.

With my MPC 4k, i have the 4 enconders set to do pitch, amp release, cutoff and resonance. This is independently enabled on every track due to individual channel config. This means i can sequence both midi notes but also automate these 4 parameters into the sequence. Only tried it briefly last night but its super creative, and with an external step sequencer like an Oxi One, Hapax or Elektron device, you can get pretty wild.

Thinking of getting an Oxi One to basically turn the S2400 into a Digitakt with better sound.


Yes!! I’ve been using it with the Hapax like that. Totally agree, it’s really fun!

And the trigger-based automation is no longer an issue on longer samples, because the sequencer isn’t running so the filters etc. work in real-time!