Where did my sound go?

I have a sound on A6 called “Sample003”. I renamed it something unique in order to find it easier for when I assign it to B4. I click Organize pads > Assign Sound, and it’s nowhere (I checked all folders). Yet it’s still on A4 with the new name. Within the folders the sound is there with the old name (Sample003). I got frustrated looking for the sound, so I resolved to simply add ‘Sample003’ to B4. One on B4, B4 lights up but produces no sound, and when I use look to checkout the sound wave, it is blank, except for the markers. This is frustrating and seems like a “bug”.

Anyone know what’s going on here? Really discouraging. Made me feel like I had ‘broken’ it so I stopped playing with it.

Do you mean the Rename Track function in Track Settings?

This will rename the track, but it won’t rename the WAV file in the project until you save the project.

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when you want to copy something to use it on another pad, it’s best to save as fast as possible. Otherwise you can get ghost samples or other weird things.
If you haven’t saved for a while, most of the time it is solved after reloading the project so in this case you can try save → reboot → reload.

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That’s my other problem — when I perform a ‘Save’, it saves all of my wave files into a folder (that are currently on pads), and it saves the Track parameters, but it does not save the ‘Patterns’. So if I turn off the S2400 and turn it on another day to work, all of the Patterns are lost.
How in the hell do you save Patterns with the Track parameters, wave files, etc.?
Is it me? Should I just do another Update.
(Feeling like such a noob with this, sheesh)

Just press the save button when in mixer mode.
The first time you do it, it leads to create a subfolder in the projects folder. Then, all the other times you save everything is added or overwritten in this project folder. Quite straight forward :slight_smile:

It’s in the manual btw.

Save Project will save everything, the samples, the track settings, the patterns, Live Loops, etc. There are a few settings that are globals, but Patterns, for sure, should be saved as part of a project.

You can either Save Project from the File menu, or by pressing Shift+Save/StepProgram button.