What will be your first 3 samples on the S2400?

I’ve saved up a few so I’m thinking something from Alan Parsons Project, a Rhodes chord, and a big fat kick.

from my collection…


think i am changing my mind, going to go with something from deeper love by Cole, a 909 loop has to stay but will drop the bass from my D and add a string set from the fantom

i think :rofl:

Kick, Snare, Hat… then, everything and anything I can think of to build a nice sonic pallet. Synths, electric bass, vocals, you name it. Pitch it and kick it.

Im telling myself after every beat i make to put the same sample through the s2400 when i get it…doubt i will tho.

Well that was a shit answer wasn’t it.

side by side will be interesting, whether loops or tracks

i think i will send a full track through in classic mode as one of my first aural experiments

Def gonna do some comparisons straight away with the SP1200 … Really want to see if the S2400 truly cuts it. Especially with overdriven input on drum breaks :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:

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most likely Skull Snaps It´s A New Day break as my very first