Trouble routing controller CC back to the controller device

I’m trying to understand if this is a MIDI configuration issue, or if it’s just not possible.

I’m using an external hardware synth as a MIDI controller for the S2400 via the DIN port. This allows me to route notes played on the controller to several other hardware instruments via a combination of MIDI banks E-H and focus button A.

Since the controller is also an instrument, I have to turn its local control OFF so that it does not sound when I’m playing other focused synths. Therefore, one of my MIDI tracks is routed back to the controller synth so I can focus and play it as well. This works great.

The problem is: Unlike note messages, CC data being sent out of the controller do not seem to flow through the MIDI track and back to the controller. And, since local control is off, that means none of the physical knobs on my synth can affect the sound.

I know the 2400 is receiving CC because I see the messages in the MIDI monitor. I know the S2400 can send CC back, because the controller receives them when I send them from the mapped knobs on the MIDI track.

I want to be able to play my controller synth, through a MIDI track without loosing my ability to adjust controls on the synth’s interface. Is that possible? Am I not seeing a config that will enable this?

I might be wrong, but I think this might be resolved in the next firmware update @Mickey ?

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I believe so.

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Thank you both. I’m still seeing this issue.

Note messages are fine. They come in from the controlling synth, are visible in the 2400’s MIDI monitor and flow out of the 2400 MIDI ports. Good.

CC originating from the 2400 are fine. For example, when I move a MIDI-mapped fader on a track in MIDI Bank E, I see those messages coming out of the 2400. Good.

CC originating from the controller device never make it out of the 2400. I see them in the MIDI monitor, but they’re not in the MIDI output. That’s the problem.

I’m running firmware S2400_20250211.upd

we need more information.

exactly what settings do you have setup under the SYnc Settings menus.
exactly what settings do you have set for midi routing on the midi track itself.


Sync Settings

Menu Submenu Value
Clock Source - Internal
Control Settings Control Port DIN
Control Settings Control Channel 1
Control Settings Device ID 1
Control Settings MMC Input On
Control Settings Echo On
Control Settings Pattern Change None
MIDI DIN Jack Notes Out On
MIDI DIN Jack Clock Out On
MIDI DIN Jack MMC Out On { DevID: 0 }
MIDI DIN Jack Pattern Change Out On { Message: ProgChg, Channel: 1 }
MIDI DIN Jack Transport In On
MIDI DIN Jack Notes In On
MIDI DIN Jack Velocity In On
USB B Jack (same as MIDI DIN Jack) -
USB Host Jack (same as MIDI DIN Jack) -
Clock In Jack Function Reset
Clock In Jack Clock Speed 12PPQN
Clock In Jack MissedTicks=4 4
Clock Out Jack Function 16th Notes
Clock Out Jack Note Swing Pattern
Clock Out Jack Pulse Length ms 5

MIDI Track Settings

Menu Submenu Value
Rename - E1
MIDI Ports All Tracks Same On
MIDI Ports In from DIN On
MIDI Ports In from USB B On
MIDI Ports In from USB Host On
MIDI Ports Out to DIN On
MIDI Ports Out to USB B On
MIDI Ports Out to USB Host On
Track Channel - 1
Pad Color - Red
Pad Mode - Pitched
Pad Mode Channel Track
Pad Mode Dynamic Off
Pad Mode Root Note C
Pad Mode Scale Chromatic
Round-Robin - Off
A Button - Off
B Button - Off
Mute Btn - Mute
Solo Btn - Solo
Fader Channel Track
Fader CC Number 21H 33 (Filter Cutoff on Pro 3)
Fader Min Value 0
Fader Max Value 0
Top Knob - Off
Bottom Knob - Off
Rec Groups - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Swing Amount - Pattern
Swing Notes - Pattern
Quantize - Default
Quant.Shift - 0
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A few notes:

Mapped controls work

  • While testing recently, I noticed that this workflow is working if the CC has been mapped to a 2400 control.
  • So, given the above configuration, fader movement on the 2400 track sends CC 33 (filter cutoff), and turning the filter cutoff knob on the Pro 3 does send CC 33 to and 2400 and receives the same value back.
  • However this doesn’t work for any other control. The CC arrives at the 2400 but is never emitted back out.

The setup…

  • My controller/synth is a Sequential Pro 3 plugged connected directly to the MIDI DIN I/O ports.
  • I can confirm that the Pro 3 is receiving CC from those ports.
  • When I’m monitoring MIDI messages I use a combination of the 2400’s onboard MIDI monitor as well as the macOS app MidiView which I listening on the 2400’s USB port. This is how I can see CC coming in to the 2400 from the controller but not being emitted back out.

Issue is confirmed.
In fact, you might do a test for me with your setup.

CC71 and CC74 (usually used for filters)
seem to make their way through, can you test that?

but yes, I am only seeing those being passed by the S2400 at the moment and am noting it with the devs.

Update: currently, the only cc parameters that will be passed thru are those 3 that you define in the MIDI track properties.
I am making the case to open this to just pass ‘thru’ all cc data regardless.

@tjlahr did you manually copy those values or is there a slick way to grab that from the system?

CC71 and CC74

I don’t think I have a good way to test these. I have one synth that uses 71/74 but it doesn’t allow me to turn local control off. The Pro 3 uses 71 for osc sync, but that switch seems to work even when local control is off… go figure. And 74, which the Pro 3 implements as “brightness” doesn’t do anything as far as I can tell. You’d expect it adjust filter cutoff, but the Pro 3 uses 33 for that.

I think what you’re saying is that I need to run out and buy a new synth.

I manually copied these.

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well that’s ok then try this.
the 3 things you can change on a MIDI sequencer track are what the top knob, bottom knob, and fader contols.

set them to some known cc that you use on the synth/controller a lot.
then see if those (and only those) messages and then sent ‘thru’

Confirmed. This is what I’m experiencing across a variety of CC messages. I haven’t tested (N)RPN, but be aware of those modes if you implement a fix.

cool beans, then at least we are on the same page.
I’ve added it to the list.