[Solved] No Auto-Installation on Mac/ and No SD Card Showing?

there is no software missing.

With a card inserted you should see the “MSC Mode” screen I posted.

With no card you should get the “no SD card” screen.

Why you get that screen even though there is a card inside I cannot tell :frowning:

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Not sure. I can format , read files and save within the unit. It just wont go into MSC Mode . The audio midi is not picking up up neither.I was trying to send a video but the file is too large.

no need for a video, I believe you. I just have no idea how that happens…

There is 2 other people in the other forum with the same issue.

OK, even without using MSC mode, the unit should appear as a MIDI interface on your PC or MAC, you confirm this is not the case?

Yes, I confirmed. My computer or software is not picking it up.

are you in the states?

Yes, Im in Pennsylvania.

If you feel you have exhausted everything in your testing, tried different cards etc, then It’s probably best we bring it home for repair/replacement.
to start that process, please create a support ticket.

Ok, thanks.

Guys- just got my S2400 yesterday and am having the same USB and MSC mode issues. I put in a case and hope to hear back soon.

I replied back to you yesterday - did you not get it?

I didn’t! I’ll look in spam :slight_smile:

Sorry Rob- replied to your email…

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