Send/return per slice?

Anybody with a DSP card yet know if it’s possible to utilise the sends per multi/slice? Or is it just global

Just trying to find out as much as I can before mine arrives in anticipation

To put it simply, the sends effect the entire bus so that includes every slice.

To put it more complex:

You aren’t putting your effects onto an individual sound. You’re putting them onto a Bus which many sounds can be routed to. This is exactly how it works with the analog filters as well. So you say you want to have a sound be sent to output 1&2 or 3&4 and on the DSP mixer page you then select which effects will be applied to those Output channels.

If you’re an Ableton user this would be the equivalent to grouping multiple tracks together and then putting effects on the Group level.

This won’t ever change because the DSP card internally is being inserted in a specific part of the chain, after the internal audio engine but before the analog outs. They would have to create a new machine that functions entirely different for it to work in any other way.

Thought that was the case

Just wanted clarification


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