Thus far DSP affected tracks/signals can only be heard in the main mix. Please enable routing back post-DSP signals to the individual outs e.g., enabling recording to a DAW/mixer.
Are you specifically talking about signals you’re sending to any effects you set on the main mix effects bus?
Preferably being able to route DSP channels to individual outs instead of only to the master bus is how I’d want it. Also being able to send returns either separately or summed on top of DSP channels to the individual outs. Otherwise tracking out beats will be laborious. Especially if you use more than one plug instruments- they’ll all be on the master the way it’s implemented today.
the DSP effects on DSP channels 1-8 are also output on the individual outputs and can be heard there…
This is where I was going with my question, but didn’t want to assume because there are plenty of things I’m still learning about using the DSP card.
I only use the individual outs on my S2400, and use shift+appropriatey-numbered pad in the DSP mixer to assign plugins on the the individual output that a given track is going through.